Can't connect remotely, private ip from ISP instead of public?

May 6, 2014
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HEllo guys im new so if im posting in wrong place please forgive me.

I did a small search but was not able to find anything related (maybe i searched wrong).

Anyways. I bought the blue iris App yesterday and i tried connecting remotely but I was unable to get to it (only locally).

This was attempted both by IOS and by web browser.

I have a alert that is basically a red octagon/hexagon with a white X o ntop (like a stop sign) on "server" .

Note: i also have issues accessing my camera directly (its a foscam 8910w)

Stuff I have verified and done:

assign static IP to camera,
Port forwarding from port to camera and from port to iris (IP)
tried using DDNS fom noip

Works locally by local IP and if I input the public IP it works aswell.

I Called foscam once for the issue they said that my public IP is different than the public IP in the router/modem. That i needed to contact the ISP

ISP confirmed that I am provided a private IP instead of public since they are still in the process of acquiring IP's.

IS there a way to bypass this?

Gear:netgear r6250
Foscam 8910w
Blueiris software
windows 8.1 machine


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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sigh....there are a number of issues... from what I'm reading, for example, you want to log in to see your cameras form another computer on another network, or from your phone when you're not at the house... I've got 2 BI systems set works perfectly, can log in from any computer anywhere in the world...the other won't let me connect from the outside world...The problem (my problem) is that the junk modem/router I have from AT&T was made by Nazis and won't let me forward the internet traffic from the outside world (WAN) to the ip address of my computer running BI... SO..if I had to guess, you probably have the same issue.

The good news is that with your netgear, you should be able to log the router, and do some port forwarding to direct the incoming traffic from the outside world to your web server. Check the help files on BI under will give you an example.

Your internet service provider may be like mine and deny the traffic. some people have this issue..i'm still working mine out, but am confident that i'll be able to view my cameras at my business from my house very shortly. Unfortunately for me, it will require some tech support from my ISP...

when trying to access your system from the outside world (not on your network) you need to put in your modem's IP address..then the modem/router forwards the traffic requests to your computer... Firewalls, antivirus software, and security features of win 8.1 will all delay your success.

So, 1st thing is to log into your router and see if you can forward the traffic...if not..then we'll need some screen shots or further details.

hope this helps a little...

bit more info... I just realized you said you have the blue iris app... 1st thing you need to verify is that you can access your web server from outside of your network. once all internet traffic is flowing properly, then continue troubleshooting the BI app.....

a good way to do this is to disable the wifi on your phone so it uses data from the cellular network, then open a browser and see if you can view your cameras...Once you can do this, I have a feeling you will be able to get the BI app working properly.
May 6, 2014
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So, 1st thing is to log into your router and see if you can forward the traffic...if not..then we'll need some screen shots or further details.

Already done:) port forward from external communication through port (changing port for security purposes) starting port 7789 ending port 7789, to IP x.x.x.x (cameras IP which is static), to be honest i just picked the device which is a netgear genie option. but the camera has static assigned.

Your internet service provider may be like mine and deny the traffic. some people have this issue..i'm still working mine out, but am confident that i'll be able to view my cameras at my business from my house very shortly. Unfortunately for me, it will require some tech support from my ISP...
Im guessing this is what is happening :)
I've had issues before with certain content being blocked,
1) one day i had dns basically messed up I could access apps and websites typing ip's directly but not using domain names.
2) another day it would block all apps in the xbox one but online play was not affected.

Then theres the whole public vs private IP deal. I called them a few mins back and apparently they never created a ticket since they tought it was a curiosity question, but today i told them its for my surveillance system so they are having their network engineer calling.

PS 2 factors i left
1) I dont have a modem just a router, literrary my router is connected to a cat5e that is connected to the power grid (fiber optics)
2) Company is less than 6 months old.


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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ok, well..reading your post gave me motivation to tackle my Motorola NVG510 piece of crap router/modem again....and success...after 1/2 hour of google searching and changing settings, I can now view my BI webserver from my home computer and iphone via browser...

Unfortunately, this doesn't help your issue..but figured I'd share my success...

Next order of business.. you don't have a modem (good, one less thing to mess up), so all you need to worry about is your router. In BI, if you go to the webserver tab in settings, it should show your LAN IP Address...Mine happens to be'm guessing yours is similar. I personally specified port it ends up being

below that, it should have your "External IP address: something totally different.. like (just an example)...

Your external IP address "should" be your public address....

Skipping forward a few steps, assuming that you had everything set up properly, you could open a browser on a relatives computer or anyone's computer around the world and type in and it should pull up the login screen wanting a user name and password...IF you get to this step, then you've set everything up correctly. And though I'm not familiar with the BI App, I'm guessing that the external IP address mentioned above is the one you need to work with to make the app work properly.

SO...on to the tricky part... 1st off, can you log into your router? pretty sure from reading what you wrote about forwarding a port for a specific camera that you can....

That tells me that you need to forward ALL traffic to your computer on the port you set for your "LAN IP Address" in the web server tab just like you did for your camera....

I may be way out in left field, and might not totally understand your exact issue, but I think if you get your BI web server working properly, then the rest of your problems will be solved.... As far as forwarding specific camera traffic, it becomes pretty pointless once you set up your blue iris web server...

hope my limited knowledge helps your situation..


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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oh, and I'll assume that your antivirus software/firewall software, and windows firewall are all set to let BI traffic pass through.... If they're not, then you need to work on that first...

Basically, once BI is set up properly, you should be able to go to network connections, and see what the IP is on your computer...THEN put the IP of your computer in the web browser and open up the BI web server from your own computer...Forgot to mention that as being the 1st step in troubleshooting... Once you can open your web server from your own computer, you know it's working properly, then you need to work on getting traffic from the outside world to be able to access it.
May 6, 2014
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oh, and I'll assume that your antivirus software/firewall software, and windows firewall are all set to let BI traffic pass through.... If they're not, then you need to work on that first...

Basically, once BI is set up properly, you should be able to go to network connections, and see what the IP is on your computer...THEN put the IP of your computer in the web browser and open up the BI web server from your own computer...Forgot to mention that as being the 1st step in troubleshooting... Once you can open your web server from your own computer, you know it's working properly, then you need to work on getting traffic from the outside world to be able to access it.

Well to be honest i havent done port forwarding to my BI yet, due to the whole ip mess up thing. In fact If I go to I et a failure. NOW that could be due to the AV, I got a new AV so I did not think of that. I will test canyouseeme with the AV off once I get off.

But I do have forwarding to my camera (direct login to it) with the foscam provided ddns.

But here are other curious facts :

1) the foscam app does not work either (currently port forwarderd) neither by ddns or ip:port
2) Cant remote log in to router either
3) can remote to Cisco VPN, teamviewer and log me in

BTW why do you have two BI servers?

DO i need a licence per PC?


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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yes, need a license for each BI, 2nd license is 1/2 off...I have a security system at my house and at my business..... that was the easy question to answer....

if you can't remote into your router then that is a bad situation.... I made the assumption that when you said you forwarded ports, you did it from your router's GUI...

Otherwise, I'm VERY familiar with teamviewer and might be able to help you out with your settings via teamviewer..... is my email address, feel free to email me and we'll take it a bit more private...... If you're in the lower 48, can hook up with you on the phone also... always glad to help...
May 6, 2014
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I can log in when in my LAN but not remote conenct to it ( using the public IP) .

I'm highly thinking its the ISP, considering i work in network infrastructure I think i already did all the troubleshooting i could lol.

what I want to do is have a dedicated PC as a "DVR" in a not as accesible PC such as closet, basement, attic, etc then have another to go over the alerts when i get home.

EDIT: Just got called the ISP added me to a static DHCP Public Address list. I guess the technician didnt take notes correctly but i guess it means a publich IP dhcp pool or Public IP static list :)

Ill let you know how it works.


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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ahh, ok..yes..i didn't mean remotely access your router from a public IP..i meant access it from your LAN...good...had me worried... Yes, I have the same setup...have a comp at home stashed away in the corner out of sight for the most part that works as a DVR...and here at work, I have the video saved to an external drive that is "hidden" so if someone breaks in and swipes the computer, I can still bust them. lol... <------ I'm assuming you've went through all of this already? can you access your web server from the computer it is running on by typing in your IP address in the browser?
May 6, 2014
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I havent tried yet but im able to access it from iphone app while im on my lan so i guess that would be a yes since its technically communicating through the IP to authenticate.

So, how do you have your setup

Main secret PC (hidden)
Then a NAS for backup?

Then your second PC TEamviewer into hidden or two licenses to have 2 different databases?


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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Yes, perfect. If you can access it from your phone on the LAN, you've got it set up right on your computer...

yes, where the data is stored is the important thing.... cameras don't keep thieves from taking computers.... BUT, run a USB cable to a desk drawer with a 1tb hard drive on it, and chances are, if someone swipes your computer, you'll still have the evidence.

Just seems funny to have a nice expensive PC running the security system that can be stolen along with the evidence of it being stolen. So, I took a little extra precaution and put an external drive to store my clips and didn't leave it in plain sight.


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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oh, forgot a bi... my 2nd PC runs a totally different, actually, I have about 5 computers, but use 2 of them (one at house, and one at business) as DVR's... and use my phone or whatever computer I'm close to to monitor the footage.

at house, wife has a laptop, desktop in family room, Ipad which is mobile, iphone in my pocket, iphone in wife's pocket, and tablet on wifi (kid uses mostely)

At business, 2 computers both with teamviewer, one running BI.....

So, needless to say, I have too many electronics to deal with, but it is nice to access everything from everything else....via teamviewer, BI webserver and browser....
May 6, 2014
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after getting the private IP from my isp everything seems to be working perfectly, now i can access my foscam as well as blue iris. Amazin how the movbile app>than webbrowser lol.

I had to remove the noip DDNS from my router, since it was conflicting with BI.

I have my Storage PC (mini htpc) then i will have a HDD connected by usb to my router i guess, and when on sale ill replace that with a NAS. I will most likely create a profile when I'm away and sync that with dropbox (since i have around 16gb, good referall system is still providing me referral increases from ppl I invited in 2007 i think).

I love this program so far should be fun exploring it :)


May 17, 2014
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I think I have the same issue as I have AT&T Uverse so I'm glad I found this thread after many hours of troubleshooting, but they told me I have to purchase a "minimum" package of 8 static IP's for $15 a month and have a technician come out to my location to do it.....I'm guessing they have to replace the Uverse box(that the tv and internet come through on the optics before my router), the AT&T guy couldnt explain it very well, he scheduled to come out in a week. The whole point of me getting the Blue Iris and Vera3 system was so I didnt have any monthly fees but I guess it is what it is, only other thing I might be able to do is swich my ISP.

I'm curious did you have to pay extra and have a technician come out also?? Thanks
May 6, 2014
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I think I have the same issue as I have AT&T Uverse so I'm glad I found this thread after many hours of troubleshooting, but they told me I have to purchase a "minimum" package of 8 static IP's for $15 a month and have a technician come out to my location to do it.....I'm guessing they have to replace the Uverse box(that the tv and internet come through on the optics before my router), the AT&T guy couldnt explain it very well, he scheduled to come out in a week. The whole point of me getting the Blue Iris and Vera3 system was so I didnt have any monthly fees but I guess it is what it is, only other thing I might be able to do is swich my ISP.

I'm curious did you have to pay extra and have a technician come out also?? Thanks

what you need is a "Public IP" instead of the a "private"

The easiest way to verify this is by checking the IP in your routers cointrol panel and comparing it to "whats my ip"

You don't need a static IP for this to work (for that we use DDNS) :)

Most likely the technician on the other side of the phone aint that wise and just wants to push you something you dont need.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 22, 2014
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Just a reminder that you NEED the server running on the port to test it, and if can NOT find you when the server is running, the router is not properly forwarding the port. Some routers need a reboot to truly open the port, so after making any changes, reboot the router, then retest with for your port, server running.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 22, 2014
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what you need is a "Public IP" instead of the a "private"

The easiest way to verify this is by checking the IP in your routers cointrol panel and comparing it to "whats my ip"

You don't need a static IP for this to work (for that we use DDNS) :)

Most likely the technician on the other side of the phone aint that wise and just wants to push you something you dont need.

Which is why I think it's helpful to say 'Static LAN IP' and 'Static WAN IP' when talking static...prevents confusion like radman, who likely wants a static LAN IP for his device, and a ddns resolver for his public IP. :)
May 6, 2014
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thats correct static IP is for your PC/SERVER where you installing Blue Iris, after that you have to set up a port forward to that IP in your routers firewall eg: if it comed from port 8912 to port 8912 then direct traffic to on port 8912


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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I think I have the same issue as I have AT&T Uverse so I'm glad I found this thread after many hours of troubleshooting, but they told me I have to purchase a "minimum" package of 8 static IP's for $15 a month and have a technician come out to my location to do it.....I'm guessing they have to replace the Uverse box(that the tv and internet come through on the optics before my router), the AT&T guy couldnt explain it very well, he scheduled to come out in a week. The whole point of me getting the Blue Iris and Vera3 system was so I didnt have any monthly fees but I guess it is what it is, only other thing I might be able to do is swich my ISP.

I'm curious did you have to pay extra and have a technician come out also?? Thanks

NOOOO, don't do anything in the way of paying AT&T any extra money!!! IF you have the same, or similar modem/router I have from AT&T, it can be forwarded with the current modem firmware. It is not an easy task to figure out if you are used to looking at a trendnet, netgear, or Linksys router.... The AT&T Motorola I have has some crap screen that is not very self explanatory at all. After a lot of troubleshooting and research, I found that plain cheap Uverse modems will let you get to your public IP address, and the junk router/modem combos will also let you get to your server, but it takes some work...

Get back to me on what modem you have from AT&T and let me know what you've tried.... With the research I've done, I've found that it is very possible to get your BI server up and running on nearly all AT&T hardware.motorola AT&T settings.jpg
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BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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hopefully, maybe, with any luck, the above screen grabs will help someone out with the uverse modem/router combo..sorry for the excessive posts, but I don't have good luck editing posts and uploading, figured since I got all of that posted successfully, I'd just add another..

now, if you have just the tiny little box that has 1 plug in for the phone line, and one Ethernet port out to go to your router, then it's much easier to configure your router, rather than having to deal with the router/modem combo... If that is the case, I can probably help you out with your router as well...

And if none of this applies to you, then sorry, at least I tried..lmao