Cant get Deepstacks to recognize anything

Are you changing the iframes in the camera? FPS and iframes and two different things. By default, it will double the FPS for iframes unless you manually change it. So if you change FPS from 15 to 22, the iframes will adjust automatically to double and thus the KEY of 0.5 unless you manually force them to match.

Which Amcrest model is it? Many here (including myself) have an Amcrest camera that we can set the FPS and iframes in the Amcrest camera to match. Maybe you have some obscure one that doesn't allow you to manually set iframe rates
I did get the Key to go to 1.0 as I found the interval setting. Thanks.
Now to figure out Why this cam is performing the same as the REOLINKS
I hand off a snapshot to DS. DS then downsizes the snap shot and process it, using python, comparing it to its database.

Again, the detection times are far too long to produce any results. Is your system optimized? What is the CPU utilization? Easy questions to answer but very key to getting things working properly.

Optimize Blue Iris
I went through that optimization link - MOST all I have done. Im only at 8% utilization on the CPU.
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If you have BI working properly, with motion detection working, and reasonable CPU utilization, and nothing else running on the machine, then reinstalling BI and Windows is overkill, IMO. If you do, make sure you do a 100% clean install from the media creation tool. And make sure you deactivate BI first so you won't have issues reactivating it!
Thats the thing - It IS working, and its detecting motion - to the point its taking a snapshot. How its handling it from there - I have no clue of what its SUPPOSED to do - or what it actually is doing.
With two or three cams on that machine you should be much lower than 8%. MOST doesn't cut it. Do them all. If there is something you don't understand or think it isn't important, then ask. Too many people screw up their system thinking that one setting does one thing and it actually does the opposite.

What is CPU% running with no cameras on the system? It should be 0%
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Your DS is timing out. That says there is an issue with DS. BI is sending it to DS and then your system isn't processing it quick enough. Have you changed ports on the system or added custom models in the main DS folder? Is Deepstack in the location BI is expecting it to be? Does it show DS is running when you hit the Test DS option in the AI menu in BI?
Your DS is timing out. That says there is an issue with DS. BI is sending it to DS and then your system isn't processing it quick enough. Have you changed ports on the system or added custom models in the main DS folder? Is Deepstack in the location BI is expecting it to be? Does it show DS is running when you hit the Test DS option in the AI menu in BI?
Yeah, I have changed ports to 5000 on DS. I dont have any custom models. It does show it running , and I confirm that when I hit the test in browser link.
Maybe the port is screwing it up. Should be 82 - stock?
With two or three cams on that machine you should be much lower than 8%. MOST doesn't cut it. Do them all. If there is something you don't understand or think it isn't important, then ask. Too many people screw up their system thinking that one setting does one thing and it actually does the opposite.

What is CPU% running with no cameras on the system? It should be 0%
Some of the process increase may be becaus im remoted into the PC.
Yes, and then make sure that you didn't somehow select to override the DS server in the camera settings in BI.
I totally erased all cameras (went to 0%), then erinstalled the Amcrest cam as well as deepstacks, and set the ports to 82 - still the same. Timeout after 15 seconds. Should I be using the CPU or GPU? Ive tried both with no change.
What GPU do you have?
The 660 is too old and doesn't support python from what I've heard. Heck, I'm pushing it with a GTX970.
660 is a no go. need like a 1030-1060 vintage...or newer. or a Quadro ( recent edition with in 5years.
I get a bazillion motions a day....I'm not running deepstuck...18 cams at a Condo with 100 residents and 50-60 cars. Fuckin thing would be analyzing its god damn ass off...for what. Yes its a fucking car....
I just need a plate, and a color, and what the asshole did.
Same as yours - I7-6700k 24GB RAM OLD Nvidia GPU 660
I'm running with OUT a GPU. The i7-6700 has fine onboard video for BI. It does not use the GPU for DS, but otherwise works great.

I think you need to focus on the basics. Make sure that BI is working, motion detection working, not going off every 15 seconds, which will murder you with DS calls. Your system is like mine, only has even more stuff, video card & more memory, it should work just fine with nothing more than the BI optimizations.

Do you have any other processes working on this machine? Any other tweaks or adjustments?
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Ju dont need no stinkink Deep stack....Amigo
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