Car Accident


Known around here
Sep 14, 2015
The car seen exiting the side street and making a wide right turn is going to drive up that road and hit a parked car. If you watch closely at the 9 second mark the car's headlights can be seen through the trees as the car approaches the intersection. The driver appears to run the stop sign before making the wide right turn. At the 27 second mark the impact occurs. Notice the brake lights never turn on before the impact. After the impact, the brake lights flash briefly, but remain off while the car is skidding to a halt. Later you can see the brake lights come on several times after the car is stopped. At the 1:17 mark the driver opens the door and stands up briefly, but then gets back in the car and closes the door. At the 1:49 mark someone goes out to make contact with the driver. Police show up 22 minutes later. About an hour after that the driver is taken into custody. At the 2:37 mark the rear door of the police SUV is opened and the driver is place inside. The next day I called the police to ask if they wanted the video. About an hour later a Community Service Officer came by to pick up the video.

Texting is the culprit, I'll bet...or that parked car jumped out in front of them. :highfive:
Never a dull moment, eh LuLu?
I've been watching the damaged car since the accident Friday night. It hadn't been moved until today. It got towed away this afternoon. I drove by that car Saturday morning. Here are a couple of pics from the dashcam. The first shows damage to the side of the car and where the skid begins. The second shows how far the car skidded. Notice that there are no skid marks from the drivers side tire.


Texting is the culprit, I'll bet...or that parked car jumped out in front of them. :highfive:
Hitting a parked car while texting isn't going to get a free ride to jail. Either something wrong with their license or DUI.

Yes! A car on the road should be moving, not parked! :D
Lynyrd Skynyrd "Oak tree you're in my way" could be "Parked car you're in my way".
Hitting a parked car while texting isn't going to get a free ride to jail. Either something wrong with their license or DUI.
I vote for the latter.
I vote for the latter.
I think you may be right. I didn't see all the commotion down there until about 7 minutes after it happened. When I saw it I pointed another camera at the accident and watched until about 10:20pm when the car got towed away. During the 15 minutes I saw before the police arrived I was watching the driver. Looked like a young male who was unsteady on his feet. He seemed to be cooperating with those around him, but he went back to the car multiple times to look for something. At one point he gives up looking and sits down on the driveway. He has his knees up and his arms and head down on his knees. He's sitting for a few minutes then finally gets back up and eventually goes back to the car. About 2 minutes before the police get there he gets out of the car holding something in the air. It looks like he was saying he "found it". He goes behind the damaged car and is showing what he found to the others around him. At that point the police drive up.
It looks like he was saying he "found it". He goes behind the damaged car and is showing what he found to the others around him.
Was probably looking for his registration and proof of insurance. The guy who's car he hit was probably ok with exchanging info. But once the police got there, he may have been DUI or may have had warrants.
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