You seem quite emotional but have not answered my questions. Perhaps that is too hard for you, if not, take a shot at it. I'd love to hear an actual scientific answer from you.
You chose instead to engage in ad hominem attacks against me. " I am stupid" "I have a stick in my butt" "I throw BS" etc.
This may not be "Rocket Science" as your clever follow up response stated, but my challenged friend, it is science. And not just your emotional statement that "ALL OF THEM WORK".
That's not supportable. I make decisions based on science and my experience. Numerous other folks here do as well and I for one enjoy knowing the minute details of how it works.
You may not and think that any old cable is fine. My experience in data centers would disagree. Sure you may never "see" the problem with an inferior cable in a home install that requires very low throughput today, but what about tomorrow? Good cable is not that much more expensive. And since it is logical to assume bandwidth requirements will increase over time, why not actually look at specs and use the best you can afford today?
One of the things I admire about this forum is it calls out BS. And your anecdotal statement that "THEY ALL WORK" is BS. Unless you can prove otherwise.
ANSWER MY QUESTIONS. Don't go on another emotional rant.