Caught with LTS CMIP3042W-28

Huisun isn't reliable as LPR cam because of focus changes with IR on/off. The only solution is to permanently run it with IR on.
yup. I've got mine at 1/1000 exposure for night-time plates. that works fine during the day too.
of course with this setting, you don't see anything BUT plates & head/tail lights at night, but that's
an expected/needed tradeoff to get plates.

As for focus, if you set it to 'manual', you can have different presets with different focus settings
for day/night. Start by dialing in the night focus on a test plate, then clone that preset and adjust
for daytime focus as needed. Switching between presets can be automated somehow, but i've found
the night-time settings to be close enuf for day-time plate recognition (at least by eye - you'd
really need to dial it in for ALPR...)