Here is the expanded and final list which ends my testing for this camera's data usage. For each time listed I accessed and viewed the live video for aprox 30 seconds using the pan where noted. Then I closed out and checked my data usage which in the app. Some times on my list showed more data being used but I don't know why since I was consistant with my method of testing. My only guess is the data reporting is not up to the minute.
Again, I'm impressed with the camera and it's app and in the week of testing I never had any major problems accessing it. I had a minor problem twice when it failed to access with the warning that the data card can't be verified but accessing it again was fine. The video can be viewed in HD or SD, and all functions worked perfectly. I'll be moving it to the cottage in a few days. Hope this test helps someone with a similar question and I'll give an update in a few months.
Ignoring the 300MB start when I was playing around I started at 269 and ended at 220 which is 49MB for the week.. roughly 2.6GB for a year. I'll just buy a 12GB/year refill.
Monday Nov 6th
10:00am - 300MB available (starting data from the included EIOTCLUB sim card.
07:30pm - 269MB remaining after playing with it several times during the day.
10:00pm - 268MB remaining.
Tuesday Nov 7th
07:00am - 268MB remaining (no drop for 8 hours overnight)
11:00am - 267MB remaining. Viewed and panned
04:30pm - 265mb remaining. Viewed and panned
06:30pm - 265mb remaining. Viewed and panned
10:00pm - 263mb remaining. Viewed
Wednesday Nov 8th
08:00am - 263mb remaining. No drop overnight.
11:00am - 263mb remaining. Viewed and panned
03:00pm - 260MB remaining. Viewed
09:15pm - 253MB remaining. (biggest drop since start for unknown reason)
11:00pm - 251MB remaining. Viewed
Thursday - Nov 9th
08:00am - 251MB remaining. Viewed
09:00am - 249MB remaining, Viewed and panned
11:00am - 249MB remaining. Viewed
01:00pm - 248MB remaining. Viewed and panned
06:30pm - 248MB remaining. Viewed and panned
10:00pm - 248MB remaining. Viewed and panned
Friday Nov 10
08:00am - 247MB remaining. Viewed
11:00am - 246MB remaining. Viewed
01:30pm - 246MB remaining. Viewed and panned
05:00pm - 245MB remaining. Viewed
10:00pm - 243MB remaining. Viewed and panned
Saturday Nov 11
08:00am - 241MB remaining. Viewed and panned
10:00am - 240MB remaining. Viewed
02:30pm - 239MB remaining Viewed and panned
05:00pm - 239MB remaining Viewed. (The video initially failed with a message to check the sim card. Rebooted phone instead and everything worked.
10:30pm - 235MB remaining. Viewed and panned.
Sunday Nov 12
08:00am - 233 remaining. Viewed
02:00pm - 232 remaining. Viewed and panned
05:00pm - 231 remaining. VIewed and panned
07:00pm - 231 remaining. Viewed and panned
10:00pm - 231 remaining. Viewed.
Monday Nov 13
09:00 - 220MB remaining. Viewed. (big drop overnight) Video failed again when trying to access camera but popped in ok after trying again. Temp was 27F
I believe the data usage is pretty reasonable for my use.
End of testing
PS..... The camera cost me $107 but now its $139
Again, I'm impressed with the camera and it's app and in the week of testing I never had any major problems accessing it. I had a minor problem twice when it failed to access with the warning that the data card can't be verified but accessing it again was fine. The video can be viewed in HD or SD, and all functions worked perfectly. I'll be moving it to the cottage in a few days. Hope this test helps someone with a similar question and I'll give an update in a few months.
Ignoring the 300MB start when I was playing around I started at 269 and ended at 220 which is 49MB for the week.. roughly 2.6GB for a year. I'll just buy a 12GB/year refill.
Monday Nov 6th
10:00am - 300MB available (starting data from the included EIOTCLUB sim card.
07:30pm - 269MB remaining after playing with it several times during the day.
10:00pm - 268MB remaining.
Tuesday Nov 7th
07:00am - 268MB remaining (no drop for 8 hours overnight)
11:00am - 267MB remaining. Viewed and panned
04:30pm - 265mb remaining. Viewed and panned
06:30pm - 265mb remaining. Viewed and panned
10:00pm - 263mb remaining. Viewed
Wednesday Nov 8th
08:00am - 263mb remaining. No drop overnight.
11:00am - 263mb remaining. Viewed and panned
03:00pm - 260MB remaining. Viewed
09:15pm - 253MB remaining. (biggest drop since start for unknown reason)
11:00pm - 251MB remaining. Viewed
Thursday - Nov 9th
08:00am - 251MB remaining. Viewed
09:00am - 249MB remaining, Viewed and panned
11:00am - 249MB remaining. Viewed
01:00pm - 248MB remaining. Viewed and panned
06:30pm - 248MB remaining. Viewed and panned
10:00pm - 248MB remaining. Viewed and panned
Friday Nov 10
08:00am - 247MB remaining. Viewed
11:00am - 246MB remaining. Viewed
01:30pm - 246MB remaining. Viewed and panned
05:00pm - 245MB remaining. Viewed
10:00pm - 243MB remaining. Viewed and panned
Saturday Nov 11
08:00am - 241MB remaining. Viewed and panned
10:00am - 240MB remaining. Viewed
02:30pm - 239MB remaining Viewed and panned
05:00pm - 239MB remaining Viewed. (The video initially failed with a message to check the sim card. Rebooted phone instead and everything worked.
10:30pm - 235MB remaining. Viewed and panned.
Sunday Nov 12
08:00am - 233 remaining. Viewed
02:00pm - 232 remaining. Viewed and panned
05:00pm - 231 remaining. VIewed and panned
07:00pm - 231 remaining. Viewed and panned
10:00pm - 231 remaining. Viewed.
Monday Nov 13
09:00 - 220MB remaining. Viewed. (big drop overnight) Video failed again when trying to access camera but popped in ok after trying again. Temp was 27F
I believe the data usage is pretty reasonable for my use.
End of testing
PS..... The camera cost me $107 but now its $139