I have 12 IP cameras and have had no issues for over 5 years with my current network configuration. In the last two weeks, several of my cameras will go offline briefly (for several seconds, as shown by "NO SIGNAL" in Blue Iris) at random intervals. Sometimes it will be 9 cameras, other times less. I do have an unusual network configuration (see attached diagram), but I have had no major issues for several years. I use a mix of POE cameras connected via ethernet, some via POE/Powerline adapters, and some connected to Google Wifi nodes. How would I go about diagnosing where the problem is? Before I start spending $$$ replacing the admittedly crappy Google Wifi or buying a new POE Switch, I want to figure out where the actual problem is.
It seems that the cameras that are impacted (shown in red text in the diagram) all flow through my basement POE switch, either via a Logitech POE/Powerline adapter or direct POE connection. Cameras connected via Google Wifi that connect wirelessly to my office main Google Wifi puck don't seem to be impacted. So, I'm thinking it is somehow related to either my POE Switch or the CAT6 that goes from the basement to the office. Since the problem occurs randomly (several hours apart, mostly), it is very difficult to diagnose. I thought perhaps the Google Wifi, which has a lot of issues with the latest firmware, or the TP-Link POE switch is going bad. But I'd prefer to know what the issue is prior to just buying new equipment.
Note that I haven't see any issues with my home Desktop PC, nor the 2 work laptops for my wife and I that are directly connected to the Office Ethernet switch. I also haven't seen any issues with the myriad of other devices on my network, such as wifi switches, Echos, phones, tablets, etc.
Any ideas on how I can determine where the problem is?
It seems that the cameras that are impacted (shown in red text in the diagram) all flow through my basement POE switch, either via a Logitech POE/Powerline adapter or direct POE connection. Cameras connected via Google Wifi that connect wirelessly to my office main Google Wifi puck don't seem to be impacted. So, I'm thinking it is somehow related to either my POE Switch or the CAT6 that goes from the basement to the office. Since the problem occurs randomly (several hours apart, mostly), it is very difficult to diagnose. I thought perhaps the Google Wifi, which has a lot of issues with the latest firmware, or the TP-Link POE switch is going bad. But I'd prefer to know what the issue is prior to just buying new equipment.
Note that I haven't see any issues with my home Desktop PC, nor the 2 work laptops for my wife and I that are directly connected to the Office Ethernet switch. I also haven't seen any issues with the myriad of other devices on my network, such as wifi switches, Echos, phones, tablets, etc.
Any ideas on how I can determine where the problem is?