Checking car doors at 4AM


Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Kelowna, B.C.
Among the things I'd never know without home security cameras...
This has happened a number of times... The first time of which I reported it to the police. They asked if anything was stolen, (which there wasn't) and they truly didn't seem to care.


Mar 27, 2016
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Southern, Ontario, Canada
Ahh I know this is exactly the type of shit I'm going to be seeing once my system is up and running.. caught 4 so far, so I'm sure there's more. Handing those pictures to the police should be a positive thing, 9 times out of 10 the idiots doing that stuff are well known to the cops and are generally picked up on other offenses. What camera are you running?, I'm curious to know if you considered mounting that more directly over the car or not?, if someone tried the opposing door I don't think you'd get a good capture of them.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
that video is pretty much worthless; you should strive for better..

also check out nextdoor; likely one of your neighbors did get something stolen.. and you can share the video with them, which will get more attention from LEO as they actually have a report to file.


Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Kelowna, B.C.
The police weren't interested in receiving a copy. They explained that even if the perp broke in somewhere nearby, the video is worthless as it doesn't prove anything.

I'm using 4 Hikvision DS-2CD2135F-IS (gray market) POE cameras. There is another one located on the other side of the vehicle.

I understand that the video quality isn't great, which was truly a sacrifice of installing 2.8mm dome cameras. I've since tweaked the camera settings quite a bit and am getting a lot better quality.

Installing cameras in the first place was more of a test than anything but now that I'm aware of activity such as this I'm considering installing IR illuminators as well as changing the cameras to a higher focal length so that I could actually identify someone. Keep in mind that youtube seems to have decreased the quality quite a bit as well.

When this video was taken, one of the motion detection lamps was burnt out. Since then I've replaced them with 4x1480 lumen PAR38 LED's all fed from the same motion detector. 2 of which are located in the center of the driveway (direct replacement of the previous fixture), and a single installed on either corner of the house, acting as back-lighting for their corresponding camera.


edit: I forgot to mention that I've also aimed both of the cameras significantly higher. I'll get a much better angle next time!
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Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Kelowna, B.C.
And while we're at it... I dug up another one.
I don't need to hear about the awful IR glare, that issue has since been fixed.
Also the ghosting (if that's the proper term) is horrible.
I've learned a lot since I first installed the cameras that's for sure!!


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Getting comfortable
Oct 25, 2016
Reaction score
Owings Mills, MD
It looks like the same guy in all the videos, although there's no good shot of his face. Something tells me you probably know him or seen him around. He's probably someone in your neighborhood on his way home, and deciding to check out unlocked cars along the way.

Also, he must be having success somewhere. Otherwise, he wouldn't keep trying to get lucky by hoping that someone forgot to lock their car.


Getting the hang of it
Jan 6, 2015
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I predict that checking car doors and even house doors will soon no longer be investigated by police as suspicious behavior, much less considered any sort of crime. The disinterest of cops in this is already becoming widespread and increasingly you are more likely get an argument from 911 operators in most large cities if you even call to report it. Like graffiti and homeless addicts defecating in your front yard, door-checking will become another thing that you're just supposed to live with.

Young male + 4 a.m. + backpack. Dead giveaway.

c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
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I know in my County 10 years ago they would have jumped at the chance to ID this guy, Our Sheriff's Dept is so overwhelmed with major violent crimes, beatings, home invasions,Drug and domestic issues that something like this will be degraded as NO big deal if NO crime was committed. For every one person they arrest for crimes like this 10 more will take their place. Our once rural nice living area has turned into a drug infested violent crime crap hole and I think the cops are so overwhelmed and back logged that they have no time anymore. As long as they have a record of it they might use it in the future..who knows


Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Kelowna, B.C.
I know in my County 10 years ago they would have jumped at the chance to ID this guy, Our Sheriff's Dept is so overwhelmed with major violent crimes, beatings, home invasions,Drug and domestic issues that something like this will be degraded as NO big deal if NO crime was committed. For every one person they arrest for crimes like this 10 more will take their place. Our once rural nice living area has turned into a drug infested violent crime crap hole and I think the cops are so overwhelmed and back logged that they have no time anymore. As long as they have a record of it they might use it in the future..who knows
My feelings exactly! It's a shame really. We can't really blame the police for simply not having time to investigate every little complaint when they have much bigger issues on their plate these days. I read a local article this morning saying that unemployment in my town is surging, and I'm certain that there is a direct correlation to the increase in petty crime like theft.

It looks like the same guy in all the videos, although there's no good shot of his face. Something tells me you probably know him or seen him around. He's probably someone in your neighborhood on his way home, and deciding to check out unlocked cars along the way.

Also, he must be having success somewhere. Otherwise, he wouldn't keep trying to get lucky by hoping that someone forgot to lock their car.
There's a pretty small chance that I know this guy. It doesn't seem like they're too worse for wear so they probably aren't too far from home. But you're right about him finding success near by. There's constant awareness campaigns expressing the importance of ensuring that your doors are locked. Seems as though they're checking to see if any alarm indicators are present and if so, it's not worth their while.

I've had these cameras installed for less than a year, and it's been very quiet until recently. In fact, I recorded another incident since creating this thread. This time two young males can be seen. The VW belongs to some friends that were visiting from out of town. I'm not sure why they parked where they did, and I almost asked them to pull their car up further so that if anything happened, I'd get a better shot. I dismissed the thought, thinking "what are the chances", but sure enough, that night, before I'd even gone to bed... the cars in the driveway were checked yet again.

I've considered posting these videos on a local community forum to help raise awareness, but fear that it might paint a target on my house. Maybe it's just me being paranoid? At least then an actual crime could be recorded!

I got a little chuckle from the fact that my new driveway lights seemed to spook the one guy pretty good! The flashing feature was new concept to me, so I'm sure they weren't expecting it. Perhaps he thought someone saw them and was manually flashing the lights. If only I was aware at the time, the lights wouldn't have been the only thing he was running from!


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Getting the hang of it
Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
I'm certain that there is a direct correlation to the increase in petty crime like theft
You can probably blame your local opioid addiction problem. It's cheap and it's everywhere.


Pulling my weight
Aug 16, 2015
Reaction score
Planet Earth
I would post video online with documentation and information about the prowling or crime. You can pass the youtube links or send dvd's to police for a case folder. They also can use the information to ID someone that has progressed to more serious types like burglary or assault. Create a video logging and then print out documents to pass around to neighbors so they get wind of this crap. Informing the neighbors can sometime wake up the block and chase these assholes off and out of your area. I had a big News TV station do a story on me about a couple car prowler video stories I posted on a Criminal Facebook page group that these TV stations follow. It has helped tremendously and has all but shut down the issues we were having. It was almost like having cockroaches in a house the way the thieves would accumulate after a few easy successful ripoffs. The police make it easy for them to do this snatch and grab stuff, so you have to use vigilance to get them out of your area or they will feed every night on your stuff. Just like cockroaches, It only gets more serious the easier they have it. Inform neighbors, place printed pages with photos out to the block and try to find out where these guys are home based at. Then let the police know so they can serve a warrant for stolen property. Don't ever just let it happen as long as you don't have anything stolen. That is just making it worse by allowing it. If you want some real fun, chase one with a baseball bat or a claw side of a couple hammers in hand. It is like spraying Raid on them. These thieves do not want confrontation, as you seen with the one running when the lights came on. Watch them run when a person chases them with a weapon.


Known around here
Nov 18, 2014
Reaction score
Haha, I like that flashing trick. Why did the light take so long to kick in though? That cam needs extra light for good pics and its internal IR is shining down too far to be of much use by itself as far as the driver's side door of your truck. I'd fix the aim/sensitivity of the motion light and aim the cam up a bit further. Put in a privacy screen in-camera if you're sensitive about recording off of your property but your neighbours will appreciate your cams when something happens at their places. I pass out pictures and DVDs whenever my immediate neighbours get prowled whether their doors were locked or not.

Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Great White North
That should be an option on motion lights having a flickering at the start. Appears more like "Hey I see you get the fuck out of here '!


Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Kelowna, B.C.
I would post video online with documentation and information about the prowling or crime. You can pass the youtube links or send dvd's to police for a case folder. They also can use the information to ID someone that has progressed to more serious types like burglary or assault. Create a video logging and then print out documents to pass around to neighbors so they get wind of this crap. Informing the neighbors can sometime wake up the block and chase these assholes off and out of your area. I had a big News TV station do a story on me about a couple car prowler video stories I posted on a Criminal Facebook page group that these TV stations follow. It has helped tremendously and has all but shut down the issues we were having. It was almost like having cockroaches in a house the way the thieves would accumulate after a few easy successful ripoffs. The police make it easy for them to do this snatch and grab stuff, so you have to use vigilance to get them out of your area or they will feed every night on your stuff. Just like cockroaches, It only gets more serious the easier they have it. Inform neighbors, place printed pages with photos out to the block and try to find out where these guys are home based at. Then let the police know so they can serve a warrant for stolen property. Don't ever just let it happen as long as you don't have anything stolen. That is just making it worse by allowing it. If you want some real fun, chase one with a baseball bat or a claw side of a couple hammers in hand. It is like spraying Raid on them. These thieves do not want confrontation, as you seen with the one running when the lights came on. Watch them run when a person chases them with a weapon.
That's excellent advice. Thanks for your thoughts. I'm going to take a look on social media and find a suitable place to post these videos for all to see. I'm sure they'll get quite a bit of attention. Someone in the area caught some crackheads using his hot tub in the middle of the night on camera, and it was major news! In fact, the perpetrators were identified and charged!

Haha, I like that flashing trick. Why did the light take so long to kick in though? That cam needs extra light for good pics and its internal IR is shining down too far to be of much use by itself as far as the driver's side door of your truck. I'd fix the aim/sensitivity of the motion light and aim the cam up a bit further. Put in a privacy screen in-camera if you're sensitive about recording off of your property but your neighbours will appreciate your cams when something happens at their places. I pass out pictures and DVDs whenever my immediate neighbours get prowled whether their doors were locked or not.
This was only a day or so after I'd installed the new lights, and hadn't completely finished tweaking them. It's a bit of a fine line between perfect sensitivity of the sensor, and having them flash on-and-off at everyone that simply walks down the sidewalk, which would get annoying pretty quick.
The aim of the lights themselves has been changed a bit since the video. That being said, the video does no where near justice of how bright these bulbs actually are. Although the beam seems to be quite focused in the video, it's actually amazing how much illumination they're providing. Supposedly 1440 lumens each, and there's 4 of them now installed.
Adding additional IR illumination is next on my project list. I've got the cameras aimed pretty much right where I want them, so there's nothing I can do as far as aiming the IR that I currently have.
