Clip display missing date, time, length information - version 3.66


Dec 16, 2015
Long story short - I replaced my HD with a SSD. Fresh version of Windows 10 installed and updated. Installed Blue Iris release 3.66.00 and can see picture and it records. However, on the right side of the screen where the clips are displayed, there is no information about the clips. It use to show date/time/length on the old HD but not now.

Here is a screenshot to show what I am talking about. Any help would be great.

Long story short - I replaced my HD with a SSD. Fresh version of Windows 10 installed and updated. Installed Blue Iris release 3.66.00 and can see picture and it records. However, on the right side of the screen where the clips are displayed, there is no information about the clips. It use to show date/time/length on the old HD but not now.

Here is a screenshot to show what I am talking about. Any help would be great.

View attachment 7026
Right click and try regenerating the database...or delete the DB folder and it will regenerate.
Update: Since posting this question, I've installed Adobe and Java and then rebooted my machine. The info is now showing.