Codeproject AI configuration with BI


Jun 10, 2024
I currently have BI setup with Codeproject AI on a Win11 machine (Amd Ryzan 5 3600). It works ok, monitoring 5 IP cameras and overall I get decent AI matches. I am also using YOLOv5.NET.

I also have a very low spec video card - NVIDIA GeForce GT710. Tried setting up CUDA but failed.

Firstly some CUDA questions - Codeproject reports (NVIDIA), CUDA: 11.4 (up to 11.4), Compute: , cuDNN:

- does that mean I should be looking at CUDA 11.4 for this card (ok maybe stating the obvious) or are there 'better' earlier versions of CUDA for it.

I am awaiting a Strix GTX 970 card which hopefully will give a bit more GPU ooomph. When installed do I:

  • install the NVIDIA drivers for the card
  • install the version of CUDA that Codeproject reports
  • install cuDNN (as mentioned on another post on here)

And also:

- do I continue with YOLO5.NET or switch to one of the other YOLO versions?

At the moment my GT710 will only use CPU. Should the above for the new card allow GPU?

Is there anything else I need to do?