CodeProject.AI "To cancel:" list wildcard


Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2023
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Hi, does anybody know how to cancel everything but person in CodeProject.AI recognition?
I want to confirm "person" and add everything else to the "To cancel:" list but by a wildcard as I have no idea 1. How many other objects CodeProject.AI can recognize 2. How long the "To cancel" list can be.
Any information helps. Thank you.


Pulling my weight
Apr 13, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, does anybody know how to cancel everything but person in CodeProject.AI recognition?
I want to confirm "person" and add everything else to the "To cancel:" list but by a wildcard as I have no idea 1. How many other objects CodeProject.AI can recognize 2. How long the "To cancel" list can be.
Any information helps. Thank you.
If you put something in the "to cancel" field it means you want to cancel anything that has already been confirmed by AI.

So in your scenario, you are saying if a person is detected (to confirm), but something like a car, motorcycle, bicycle or dog is also detected (to cancel), then cancel the alert.

I don't think that's what you want to do. If someone drives up in a car or on a motorcycle for example, BI will see that a car or motorcycle is in the "to cancel" list and it will immediately stop processing the AI and cancel the alert. This is true even if it also sees a person, or might detect a person in a later frame.

It sounds like all you really need is a person listed in the "to confirm" field so that anytime it sees a person, you get an alert/recording. If it sees anything else, you won't – you don't have to explicitly list all the other objects in the model you are using as "to cancel".

One caveat though, if the AI first sees one of the other objects, say a car, it will stop checking any more images. To fix this, you can put a nonexistent object (say a "unicorn") into the "to cancel" field as a workaround. That will have BI keep processing clips since you've told it there is a chance of a unicorn showing up. Then if a person were to step out of the car in a later frame, the AI would detect the person and fire the alert/recording.
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Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2023
Reaction score
Hi, Thanks for the good advice. It really makes sense. I thought about recognizing something as a person, that is not that in reality. Like BI occasionally recognizes our dog as person and I thought it also recognizes that as dog but with a less probability. So wanted to cancel the dog recognition of the object hence cancel any recognition of the object, as it's also recognized as a dog that must be cancelled. But it doesn't work that way as BI AI plugin doesn't work with objects but only a heap of neighboring pixels. So it couldn't know if the dog also recognizes as person. The last idea is really helpful. Thanks.