I decided to upgrade CPAI to the latest version 2.1.10Beta, but before doing so i uninstalled the previous version, deleted all the programdata/programfiles folders, rebooted, installed the latest and let the models download.
Once that had finished, i rebooted, web server starts using default settings, / 32168, i have the custom models path set to "C:\Program Files\CodeProject\AI\modules\ObjectDetectionNet\custom-models"
No matter what i do, the service for code project AI just stops for 10sec, starts again..... runs for maybe 30s then stops again, and loops like that for ever...

10-20 sec later:

I only have YOLOv5.net installed, nothing else as theres no GPU installed, just intel CPU graphics

setting the log level to trace shows its processing requests, but yeah... noting is working because the service keeps stopping/starting
Any ideas?
Cheers guys.
Once that had finished, i rebooted, web server starts using default settings, / 32168, i have the custom models path set to "C:\Program Files\CodeProject\AI\modules\ObjectDetectionNet\custom-models"
No matter what i do, the service for code project AI just stops for 10sec, starts again..... runs for maybe 30s then stops again, and loops like that for ever...

10-20 sec later:

I only have YOLOv5.net installed, nothing else as theres no GPU installed, just intel CPU graphics

setting the log level to trace shows its processing requests, but yeah... noting is working because the service keeps stopping/starting
Any ideas?
Cheers guys.