Are you saying that you have the AI features on both the BI PC NVR and the cameras configured and enabled? If so, do you configure the cameras individually via their web interface? How does BI handle alerts from different sources?I look at it as a redundancy feature. Sometimes the AI in a camera can miss something, sometimes the NVR, BI or other software, can miss something. Having two methods working insures even better detection.
There seems to an almost fanatical devotion to BI on this site. While I understand that while it might be the best solution available for "small" installations it obviously has limitations that people here seem all too quick to brush over. The fact the the site gets a lick-back from sales of BI also adds to a smell of something not quite right. I know of other forums in different domains that have similar biases and it's not good. For every 1 person trying to voice an honest opinion there are 5 shouting him down.
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