Connecting two microphones to one camera.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 16, 2019
With a Y-connector. Any reason why this would not work?
I have two bird feeders that I'm looking at with a PTZ. When I'm looking at one, I can hear only the sound from the other. Would like to hear both and was thinking maybe a mic at each would do the trick?
I have two bird feeders that I'm looking at with a PTZ. When I'm looking at one, I can hear only the sound from the other. Would like to hear both and was thinking maybe a mic at each would do the trick?
A Y-connector would combine both audio samples. If that's what your after I don't see any problem apart from you might want something better than a passive mix.

  • A passive mix would work if you have one mic on left and the on the right channel. - Both mics would have to be single channel mono.
  • Otherwise a small audio mixer local to the camera to properly mix both mics to one output.

Another option is using the audio on the PTZ and an Audio In from an NVR (if using an NVR) or another camera nearby.
I suggested stereo sound to Ken about a year ago, not "stereo" but two sound inputs per camera.
The idea is that you could use built-in mic and use anouther cameras sound stream and use left/right if the sound source is
nearer the other camera that might point in another direction.
That way you can select soundsource after the recording been made.
Compared to video sound doesnt consume much BW/disk.

It's already possible to use another cam's sound but only one source totally.
Using a stereo mic source with two mics on each channel is perfectly fine.
But what if this camera only has a mono audio input?

Could you share the model or something about this camera @Rickoo ?
The camera might have one mono input.
But in BlueIris two audio channels per cam was the idea.

Use two mics on one mono channel will just mix the two inputs to one with varius results, mostly bad.
And its not possible to mute one/ select the other after the recording been made.

Just test it and try.
Or connect mic2 to sound input in the BlueIris pc and select that as input source manually.
You may experience some audio distortion using two mics on a single input using a "Y" cable. The input is designed for a specific input impedance which should be matched, or be fairly close, to the input impedance of the mic. Using two, with the "Y" cable will cut that impedance in half which, can but not always, lead to audio distortion. I'm not saying this will happen, only that it can happen. The only way to know for sure is to try it out.
Using a stereo mic source with two mics on each channel is perfectly fine.
But what if this camera only has a mono audio input?

Could you share the model or something about this camera @Rickoo ?

I'm using a Hikvision DS-2DE4A425IW-DE. I assume it is a mono mic input. (Their is not an internal mic on this camera.)
Depends on the type of mics - balanced or unbalanced audio, phantom power needed?
If no phantom power, a passive audio mixer will work. This can handle balanced & unbalanced signals for both inputs & outputs.
Combine the 2 mics and feed into 1 cam. Then assign that cameras audio source to your 2nd cam.