Coyote Going After A Possum


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
Cypress, California
On my morning walk I came across a dead possum on a neighbors lawn a couple of doors down the street. It looked like a coyote had made a meal of it. So when I got back home I checked my cameras and sure enough I could see the coyote going after the possum. I left out around 12 minutes of the coyote eating the possum as the video is long enough as it is. However when going through the video I notice that a black and white cat had just passed my about 3 minutes before. I took a still shot of it passing by my house. Here is the video. Also at the end the coyote took a leak, then layed down and rolled around on the grass and then looked around for a bit fully enjoying life before he took off again.

This cat just used up one of its nine lives.

Lucky Cat.jpg
I didn’t realize Coyotes eat snakes. I didn’t even realize they eat possums too. I guess any vermin is game for them. Thanks for sharing!
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I love possums, not only are they funny is all heck but they are tick eating machines
my cute little possum up to some fun with a cat


Todays update. Another coyote cruising the neighborhood again this morning. This time I know it was a female as she squatted to take a leak. Picture posted. The one that killed the opossum was a male as he stood up to take a leak. So there are at least two coyotes that prowl my neighborhood. By the way the wife and I watched this one from our fence, just off camera to the left. There were cars at the corner when the coyote decided to head right in the picture. After the coyote crossed the street the cars resumed their routes.

Coyote 092721 Female Taking A Leak.jpg
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