Coyote With A Capture

What camera make/model captured the first video?
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What color is that Bunny in IR? The coyote's colors are in shades of gray, and we know roughly how they look in daylight. But the Rabbit sure looks dark, for a wild hare. So yeah, It makes you think a pet got caught being outside and became Lunch and Dinner.
We've had a coal black bunny running around here, on and off, for a while. Haven't seen it, or any other bunnies for that matter in a while though. It may have been a "pet" that got loose, no way to tell. The foxes have been around a lot though and that can explain why I haven't seen any bunnies. It's the circle of life in the wild.
What color is that Bunny in IR? The coyote's colors are in shades of gray, and we know roughly how they look in daylight. But the Rabbit sure looks dark, for a wild hare. So yeah, It makes you think a pet got caught being outside and became Lunch and Dinner.
It looked like a black bunny. I get rabbit captures almost every night. They appear to be grey in IR light. During daylight they look light brown to grey. They all appear to be jackrabbits. I figured this might be a pet because of the color. The bunny probably thought it was a friendly dog that wanted to play. I believe a jackrabbit could easily outrun a coyote or maybe even the foxes we see on a regular basis.
I agree that the rabbit looks black, and therefore not what I'd see wild around here. We have tons of cottontails and quite a few jackrabbits. The jacks are pretty darned fast, and they're far more wary than the cottontails. Domesticated rabbits, however, are often amazingly trusting. We had one that it turned out came from a house down the alley from our house show up one day and he kept trying to nuzzle the underside of a big cat of ours. I think he was trying to nurse or something! We put up a few fliers, and eventually the owners showed up looking for "Ajax" their pet rabbit. We told them he wouldn't eat any of the rabbit food we'd gotten for him, and they said he only eats Cheezits or Goldfish crackers! That just doesn't seem right.
I agree that the rabbit looks black, and therefore not what I'd see wild around here. We have tons of cottontails and quite a few jackrabbits. The jacks are pretty darned fast, and they're far more wary than the cottontails. Domesticated rabbits, however, are often amazingly trusting. We had one that it turned out came from a house down the alley from our house show up one day and he kept trying to nuzzle the underside of a big cat of ours. I think he was trying to nurse or something! We put up a few fliers, and eventually the owners showed up looking for "Ajax" their pet rabbit. We told them he wouldn't eat any of the rabbit food we'd gotten for him, and they said he only eats Cheezits or Goldfish crackers! That just doesn't seem right.
Here is what a typical jackrabbit looks like under IR from this camera. This capture was from this morning.

We need a jackalope capture!