Creating BI user


Getting the hang of it
Dec 7, 2020
Just a general question. We are a boating club using BI to give members access to viewing their boats etc. Quick question about creating user IDs for them. Is it possible for me to create their individual usernames but set them up so that on first login they need to reset their password? I have no problem creating 100+ usernames but I would rather not use very generic passwords (i.e. password is the same as username, etc) or the same password for all. I would also rather not have all 100+ members email me with what their paswords should be. No big deal if this can't be done - just checking. Thanks in advance
Do different users have different camera views or do all users see the same cams and have the same privileges?
There is no remote password (re)setting capability. The only way to assign passwords for a BI user is via the edit user panel in the BI console.
There is no remote password (re)setting capability. The only way to assign passwords for a BI user is via the edit user panel in the BI console.
Not the answer I was hoping for, but quite honestly it's the answer I was expecting. Thanks for taking the time to answer! Much appreciated