curl/wget from LAN w/ basic auth -- possible?


Young grasshopper
Aug 25, 2019
Reaction score
Near Seattle
I'm trying to trigger a camera in BI from another computer, using BI's http interface. BI's documentation says that if the web server is configured for basic auth, I can post a URL to BI's web server e.g.

What I thought I could do to let this work from inside my LAN but still maintain security is to configure BI's web server to require auth for non-LAN connections only. However I can't get that to work; BI responds to the above URL with 'auth required'. This happens both when secure login is on and when it's off.

The only way I can get this to work is to change the web server to require login from no one, which of course is not a good plan.

It seems like BI never recognizes at least certain connections to its web server as coming "from the LAN", or maybe it's that certain commands don't respect basic vs. secure login and *always* require secure login?

Am I missing something?

Is there a way to do what I want... do I need to write a script maybe, to log in more securely, then post the URL, then log out?