Current V2s shipped with IMX222 and not IMX322! (Bricked cam)


Mar 27, 2014
So, some bad and more bad news for me.

First of all I wanted to buy two more v2 10x cameras and as it turns out they have stopped shipping them with IMX322 a while back as a result of a shortage. I will not buy IMX222 as I know it's not as good as IMX322. They removed all reference from the Aliexpress listings as far as I can tell that refers to what type of IMX in there, just advertising S2L. So I will have to wait a bit longer or perhaps they'll upgrade to IMX323.

Second, as a result the new firmware that comes out of the factory, as we've seen yesterday provided by @mando209, is actually for IMX222 v2 camera. I found this out a hard way when I decided to test the upgrade on one of the bad cams I have v2 (4x). The camera took firmware, but failed at 80%. I left it alone and camera continued running until today. This morning I rebooted my NVR and the v2 4x camera did not come back. I cannot ping to it or find this via SDAP or IPSearcher tools I have and it doesn't do the "happy dance". So I am pretty sure it's brick. Although I was planning to get rid of it at some point, but didn't expect to do it so soon.
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The difference isn't huge. IMX122 that's different. I'm not sure about IMX323, it's not an improvement really and will need a lot of work to "upgrade".
The difference is enough for me not wanting IMX222
I am sorry for your loss. Without letting customers know they are different and can brick the cam with the wrong firmware, that is just plain wrong. We should not buy any more V2 ever until this is well advertised and an explicit way to match the right firmware to the right camera/sensor. @klasipca, a warning at the OP of the Huisun cam thread might help.
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I spent an hour troubleshooting this with Jack Chan over team viewer and in the end he pronounced it dead. The camera actually powers and does the happy dance while both leds are on.

Also, Jack said that he can ship me a cam with imx322 as appears the shortage might be over.
no, I bought one, I just wanted to make sure they will ship me with imx322.
When did you buy yours?
Hi, do you have a link for the IMX322 seller?

I'll second the question, klasipca can you give us the link to the seller please. I need to place an order for 1 and I definitely don't want the older chip set. TIA
You might have imx322 but it's just my guess if you received it before end of April
Ugh, typo from phone. Meant to type may 28th and received June 19th, so i could have the 222 :(