Dahua 4k starlight turret??

just some dude

Pulling my weight
Feb 23, 2017
Unless I overlooked it, I do not believe they produce them in a starlight version yet. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anything currently available in a turret that would compete with a hypothetical Dahua starlight 4K?
Unless I overlooked it, I do not believe they produce them in a starlight version yet. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anything currently available in a turret that would compete with a hypothetical Dahua starlight 4K?

The starlight chip on the Sony list is very large - and thus it will be some work to get it into a small camera, so we will have to see what engineering comes up it. ( iirc 4/3 inch )

Also, you can expect it to be significantly more than the current 4K or starlight cameras.
Dahua has a 4K starlight out right now for roughly $750 but it is a box camera that isn't weatherproof and doesn't come with a lens. Compatible lenses are at least a couple inches long and cost well over $100 for a good one.

This is not something they will likely ever fit into the turret/dome style without a huge increase in size and change in appearance. Bullets are more likely, again with a huge change in outward appearance due to the lens being so large.
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