Looking at the pigtail of the Dahua camera, with the clip part facing up, would that be pin 1? left to right 1 - 8?
I have a cat6 cable that is run already for an analog camera, I do not want to crimp an ethernet jack on it. I want to take a short piece of cat6 that has an ethernet jack on one end, and bare wires on the other. I want to plug the ethernet jack into the Dahua camera port, I then want to hand twist the bare end of the same small cat6 cable to the currently run cat6 cable that has bare ends on it also. (which 2 of the 8 cables are connected to an analog camera)
I have 6 wires out of 8 that aren't being used on the already run cat6 cable, so without having to unhook my analog camera, I want to temp wire (for 5 minutes) up the Dahua camera and see the view from it in that location. I am trying to figure out if I want to go with 2.8 lens right there or not. Also, I am not sure if the dome is going to work based on the situation, I may need to go with a gun type camera.
Does any of that make sense? I'm trying to prevent from having to make a whole new 100 foot ethernet cable just to test this right now, and I do not want to undo the wiring on my analog camera. So if I can temp wire an ethernet cable with only like 4 of the 8 wires for the data only (since I will be using the 12v power directly at the camera and not thru POE)
Regardless, I believe your original reply gives me the information I need for now, and future reference.
Thank you

(thinking about it, this is another situation I have over thought and normal ethernet cable wiring applies here, as you said, even with standard ethernet cable, pins 1&2, 3&6 are only used for data, the remaining wires are unused in standard cabling)