Dahua Active Deterrence Camera to scare off deer?


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
Hi all, I currently run 6 Dahua (EmpireTech & OEM) cams with Blue Iris. In my location I have a deer problem, lots of deer, eating the wife's roses, vegetables, etc I was thinking of trying a Dahua HDW3549H-AS-PV-S4 TiOC2.0 Active Deterrence AI IP Camera in the hopes that the red blue flashing light might chase them off or at least cause them to look elsewhere for their next meal.

Is there a better camera alternative?

Has anyone tried this or observed wildlife being spooked by such a camera?

The deer generally show up in the middle of the night and I do not want to run a bright light all night so that might be an issue with triggering the cam?

Thank you for any comments :)
The red and blue light won't scare them off. And the AI is such that it will mainly only detect for person or car.

What does work is the "you are under surveillance" that you can get the 4K/X or the 180 to play, or any of the cameras that have a speaker. Let me see if I can find a video of it lol

You just need camera like the older 5442 series firmware or use BI with CodeProject to detect a deer and then play the "you are under surveillance".

The cameras are not that loud that you or your neighbors won't hear it.
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Not an expert with Tioc's but... Most Dahua cameras, Tioc included, can't detect deer. Only Humans and vehicles with IVS/SMD detection. In fact some folks are kinda bummed as they like to be able to alert on critters and for the most part Dahua AI wont (well except for cats which have special supernatural abilities)

So the only way to really alert for deer would be using old fashioned MD, which will go off for bugs, leaves, shadows, and yes deer. But lots of false alerts
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A motion triggered sprinkler would do better deterring deer.
Thanks everyone for all the comments.

The idea sounded workable but I had to run it past the experts and the plan has been scrapped. I do have an orphan unmounted 5442 so I might look into the Wittaj suggestion.
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I have same deer issues. Lights do not phase them. Sprinklers might, but they tend to go off all day despite the claims, and they aren't useful when it gets cold (freezing).
I have several Dahua cams, and though the camera's IVS won't detect deer, Blue Iris, combined with CPAI, does a great job alerting me to their presence while avoiding the false alerts of rain, bugs, shadows, etc. It is very effective. I get instant alerts via Pushover when they drop by for landscape dinner, and you can also tailor other alerts as needed (room lights flash, anything you can automate to let you know it's time to shoo them on.) Hopefully they learn after a bit to avoid my house. But I've found nothing works on it's own to scare them besides me doing it.
Based on years of hunting with bro-in-law up in the mountains of PA, just post a sign saying Deer Season (choose date range) and they’ll flippin disappear …
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Something VERY different of an idea.... bad idea probably lol.

I remember seeing this 'ankle tickler' haunted house prop idea for Halloween. It's an air compressor blowing air out small hoses and those hoses whip around.

Imagine doing that, with the air lines plumbed around the garden beds.
Next challenge is keeping an air tank completely sealed until your cameras or something triggers the valve to open..... and noisy air compressor to reset it again.

Did someone call me crazy? No. It's just bad ideas that might work lol.