New version
What's new in Automarshal 2.10:
* New types of number plates of Russia and Moldova added.
* In the main window of Automarshal the detailed information on the recognized number can be displayed and configured.
* The validity period for new passes can be created by a template.
* User lists editing window: Simultaneous editing and deletion of the group of selected passes was added.
* Lists and directories editing window: The list can be selected while adding entries.
* Triggers: New conditions were added to the "Vehicle Detected" activation event - checking the number and type of the vehicle
* Triggers: In the activation event "Vehicle Detected" in the "Duration" condition values of selectable time were extended.
* Database maintenance program: Automatic backup was added before updating the database.
* Database maintenance program: Progress bars were added for data deletion, data backup and recovery processes.
* "Export data to disk" Module: Country code of the recognized number plate can now be downloaded in the following formats: ISO3166-1 alpha-2, ISO3166-1 alpha-3, ISO3166-1 numeric.
* "Export data to disk" Module: A template for the name of XML files can now be created.
* IDIS Module: In trigger action "Send message to IDIS" support for the new IDIS data transfer standard was added.
* Web-client: Trial version was added.
* Web-client: Cookie warning was added.
* Web-client: Pass validity period can be set.
* Web-client: Maximum validity period for a guest pass created by the Applicant was added.
* Web-client: Restrictions on server channels can be set for different users.
* Web-client: Login, vehicle log, user lists and guest passes pages were adapted for mobile devices.