So do turrets. Perhaps less but they're not immune by any stretch of the imagination. There is no magic about turrets that chase the spiders away.
I had a turret at Moms just this week that a gecko decided was a great place to sleep and wag his frickin tail all night on and woke up to 150+ email alerts.
I have 9 bullets at my home, 6 on the street for the HOA and I've cleaned spider webs maybe 2 times in the past 2-3 months. This is Floriduh, we have insects so big you'll walk on the other side of the street to avoid disturbing them.
The key isnt the form factor it's where the IR LED's are located. Most turrets have 2 LED's BELOW the lens, many bullets have 4, two ABOVE and two below the lens. Spiders, (and many other critters) seem to like the IR.
Really I understand that most folks like turrets for the aesthetics, but you wont find an outdoor camera that you Never need to clean the lens on. I just think its an overblown 1st world problem. Its not hard to wipe 'em off.
If its that big of a concern, I'll sell ya one of my redneck spider web removers! Working on an improved telescopic model
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