Pulling my weight
You can block access to the WAN directly with the AC68. On the router's network map screen that comes up first by default, click on the circle-button looking thing above where it says clients with a number. That will display a list of connected clients in the column to the right. Click on the entry for the cam. On the screen that comes up there's a button to toggle access to the Internet on/off. As above, that will limit access to the cam directly from outside your net (at least without some more complicated changes to iptables directly). You also can point the gateway on the cam to itself so I doesn't know where to go to get out anywhere and that will avoid cluttering up your router logs with those entries. Again, that may affect some things depending on how you're set up.
Don't know how to thank you, Mike...but you've made my day!

I have the AX86U and since it's also an ASUS I just followed your instructions and...VOILA...the WAN door is shut! All four of my cams are now in the slammer.

Shall I block the NVR too?