I come back to this discussion.
I wanted to be able to see my cameras on google home screen (or if with a chromecast, the problem is the same).
Ideally say, hey google, show me camera x.
It is a little bit like being able to view the cameras on intercom screen (VTO&VTH), which we managed thanks to catcamstar:
I guess my setup would fit here best, as it uses similar devices but a complete different setup (cool devices, giving you a couple of options): I have a VTO2000A running SIP firmware (actual 20170425), powered by a standard power supply with 12V DC transmitted to my door on the 4 spare wires of...
Of course cameras I have are not those in google ecosystem, otherwise there would be no question.
First I tried with imou but either it doesn't work, either sometimes it does but only half of the time, or just for 5 seconds, etc.
I have tried reducing the camera FPS and resolution, but it didn't help. Or I didn't do it well. Anyway, not satisfactory.
I have a raspberry with a home automation system (domoticz), and I installed CATT (Cast All The Things).
Then by voice command (IFTTT) e.g. "show me my camera x", I manage to show a snapshot of that camera.
elseif command == 'cam' then
os.execute("catt cast_site
" .. tonumber(get(deviceValue, 3)))
That works perfectly.
If I wanted the video, is there something not too complicated I can do ?
I have looked the combination:
- ffmpeg to change rtsp to HLS on the pi (works)
- Nginx (works)
- stream site to GH (doesn't work with CATT, still some work to do)
Feasible, but I find it too heavy, will not be stable enough, and honestly not worth the effort and the CPU.
Or: links from API like http ... /mjpg/video.cgi?camera=[CHANNEL]
work on PC browser (though with ow resolution) but don't work with CATT (only a player appears).
I do not know if some people here have found a better solution to achieve this.