Dahua config backup encrypted?

Hi there! I got an RVI DVR and some RVI cams on it with passwords. And of course, i lost passwords for my cams. I have made a backup named configFileExport.backup (attached). I understand, that there is no Dahua cams, but it seems like RVI is the same as Dahua, since the DVR has the same interface as Dahua (attached). My Cams is RVi-1NCT4368(2.8). Is it possible to decript it? Thanks a lot for a advice!


Покажи скрин с версией прошивки.

Можно посмотреть только параметры DVR (аттач), у камер лишь наименование IP и порт исходящий 37777.


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Покажи скрин с версией прошивки.
Спасибо за помощь, разобрался сам. По классике все прошло через CMD->python DahuaConfigBackupDecEnc.py --infile configFileExport.backup --key nvr
На выходе в архиве configFileExport.backup.tgz все было. Еще раз спасибо! Вывод : RVI (RU) = Dahua ))))
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found the correct key with: uboot getenv HWID
but the decrypted config file is not showing any signs of the admin???
Oeps almost forgot to thank you for your reply, thnx


but the decrypted config file is not showing any signs of the admin???
Very old config from dvr, nvr contain encrypted passwords for users at the files. Usual ipc config not containg account field for secure ;)
Can you please help decrypt? I always get errors in python crypto functions like this:
error: Data must be aligned to block boundary in ECB mode.
It happens in different versions of python.
It is NVR
Device Type: DHI-NVR4108HS-8P-4KS2
Web Version:
Onvif Version: 2.4.1 System Version:3.216.0000000.0, Build Date: 2018-06-05

Thank you!


i got the same issue with my dahua NVR. I forgot the password but i have logged in my smart pss, any help appreciated :)
Подскажите, плиз, кто шарит в DahuaConsole.
Если нет команды ceconfig, есть ли другой способ изменить настройки в XVR5104C-4KL-X ?
[Console]# ceconfig -get AccessFilter
[-] Invalid command: 'help' for help