Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

I'm trying to use this utility with five T5442T-ZE connected to a new NVR (NVR8CH-8P-2AI). The NVR's ip is Clicking through the settings to Add a Device, I see the cameras on the NVR's internal LAN are have 10.1.1.X IPs, which I obviously I can't access. But, if you access them via the web page button they all have addresses such as;, and that address I can access...at least initially after viewing it accessing it from the NVR GUI. But it seems like after you log out of the NVR that address also becomes inaccessible.

Any ideas how I can use this utility with this NVR? I saw in another thread that the utility doesn't work with newer GUI cameras, maybe it's the same with the NVR?

I'm trying to use this utility with five T5442T-ZE connected to a new NVR (NVR8CH-8P-2AI). The NVR's ip is Clicking through the settings to Add a Device, I see the cameras on the NVR's internal LAN are have 10.1.1.X IPs, which I obviously I can't access. But, if you access them via the web page button they all have addresses such as;, and that address I can access...at least initially after viewing it accessing it from the NVR GUI. But it seems like after you log out of the NVR that address also becomes inaccessible.

Any ideas how I can use this utility with this NVR? I saw in another thread that the utility doesn't work with newer GUI cameras, maybe it's the same with the NVR?


By default the NVR isolates your cameras from the rest of your system. That is good.

You would have to either bridge mode (I think it is called that) or put the cameras on a POE switch and give them same IP address subnet as your LAN, which isn't advised as then your cameras have access to the internet.

This is the same whether the NVR is old or new. So most with an NVR do not use this utility.
I've got a strange issue with one of my T5442T
Suddenly it has stopped changing to night mode upon request:
Using the command:

I get "bad request"

But the day mode command:

Works just fine with response "OK"

Not sure how the day command could work but not the night one?

Something must have changed. Did you update firmware or edit anything via the camera's web UI any time recently?
I'm trying to use this utility with five T5442T-ZE connected to a new NVR (NVR8CH-8P-2AI). The NVR's ip is Clicking through the settings to Add a Device, I see the cameras on the NVR's internal LAN are have 10.1.1.X IPs, which I obviously I can't access. But, if you access them via the web page button they all have addresses such as;, and that address I can access...at least initially after viewing it accessing it from the NVR GUI. But it seems like after you log out of the NVR that address also becomes inaccessible.

Any ideas how I can use this utility with this NVR? I saw in another thread that the utility doesn't work with newer GUI cameras, maybe it's the same with the NVR?

For anyone wondering in the future, I was able to get around this by putting the NVR into bridge mode and bringing the cameras directly on to my network. Fortunately, they are still isolated from the internet and rest of my LAN using a VLAN on my unifi network.
Two days ago I upgraded my BI machine and installed the day/night utility the same way I had installed it on my old unit. However, after two day/night cycles, the utility isn’t working. The simulate function works as advertised on six cameras. Anyone know of a corrective action for the utility to be automatic?

Edit: I had two instances of the same program running. I deleted one and had to change the files path. I think this will work.
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I have exchanged two older SD22204T-GN cameras against two DH-SD22204DB-GNY. The new ones also have the V5 web interface, but none of the commands posted here in the last three pages work. :(

Trying the commands in the browser always returns an "OK", but the cam doesn't switch between day and night profile.

Do I overlook something?

After googling a while I found these commands in the Home Assistant forums which works for me:

Switch to Night Mode:

Switch to Day Mode:

Logging into the web server of the camera always changes the profile back to day! But having these commands as PTZ presets in BI, you can always switch back if you need night mode.
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Things that tripped me up today:
  1. I put DahuaSunriseSunset.exe in my C:\Program Files\ directory.
    1. This means it writes its config file to C:\Program Files\, which requires Administrator privileges.
    2. Which means you must Run as Administrator to configure it, otherwise your configuration changes will not stick. Writing to the config file just silently fails.
  2. I physically removed a camera that had been entered into the config, and this caused the utility to hang, logging multiple errors to the log.
HTH someone else!
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Things that tripped me up today:
  1. I put DahuaSunriseSunset.exe in my C:\Program Files\ directory.
    1. This means it writes its config file to C:\Program Files\, which requires Administrator privileges.
    2. Which means you must Run as Administrator to configure it, otherwise your configuration changes will not stick. Writing to the config file just silently fails.
  2. I physically removed a camera that had been entered into the config, and this caused the utility to hang, logging multiple errors to the log.
HTH someone else!
For rogue applications, I will usually create a folder on C: named '\files\"