Like fa355115 wrote, but maybe its only a problem when using an ntp service? I also use a ntp service and timezone +2.
Look on my mail screenshot. the timestamp is the right one, on the right side up the utc time is totally wrong. When you look on the mail inbox you first see the wrong time stamp.

All my other dahuas doesn´t have this bug.
the smart codec is still only a h264 feature and should not be selected for h264 codec.
I use also use tinycam pro (Version 7.0.2 Beta 4), introducing 7.0.1 i have solved with the app programmer the widget problems and some bugs in h265 / h264 widget problems with disturbed pictures. But it´s normal, that it will last about 30-40s to get a picture, because the video starts with the first full frame. The I-Frame intervall should normally be the double frame rate, therefore at 40-60s every full frame is send and it could last maximum this time for getting a picture.
I don´t know how gdmss hd works, but here i got faster the first picture.
@all, when using p2p you should give easy4ip app a try. I think this app does many thinks better than dmss hd. especially fullscreen and pitch to zoom witch is possible. Unfortunately it must use p2p service or easy4ip activated and need a working external ipv4 from your isp.
Next thing the missing ivs features in my firmware, dahua is playing around with this features, they seemd to have decision to move the loitering detection to IVS/Intrusion/ appears. This function does nearly the same.
I am very happy with the ivs, it´s much better than all normal moving detection.
I found another bug in conjunction with mails. If i send an alarm mail, i got only 1 picture. Thats defaults. But when i change Camera/video/snapshot option event to anything else than 1s and save this, i will never get a picture in the alarm mail! This will be left until i reset this option to defaults!!! I understand this option, that if i change it to 3s i will receive a mail with 3 pictures / 1s time steps.
The low light sensitivity is great, but in my case i found the 1 ir led version is to low.

for getting this picture i had to choose blc compensation and 3d denoise at 50. On the first look the picture is great, but unusable for moving objects. look on the hedgehog. it has a shadow of moving. This is the effect of 3d denoise. When i have a person in the event i am unable to recognise here. The motion bluer is to high.
Now i have added a 3 led 9W ir spot and white light (also found on aliexpress), now i can switch of 3d noise and have a shutter speed of more then 1/100s (near 1/250). But i need to wait for the right lampshade, because i got not 90° its now 60°. They are on the way.

now i have no problems with moving objects. they are sharp and have no motion bluer. So i advice you to choose more ir leds versions or use external ones. In my case an external ir led have also some more benefits, p.e. rain is now less viewable, no spider problems any more...
The visible light is switched on by ivs rules, but now without getting a better picture quality, because the ir light is much brighter than before. Thats how it should work.
The Last problem is finding a suitable mic... nothing i tried is working as i wanted or compared to the dahuas with an integrated one.
so far for today. i still hope for a fixed firmware for the mail issue. all the rest is just minor.