Dahua DVR3204LF-AL - settings lost after each reboot


Jun 13, 2017
Hello everybody!
First poster here so please bear with me. The DVR was infected by malware. We issued the following commands:
After you login via telnet, issue these commands:
# rm -rf /mnt/mtd/Config/
# rm -rf /mnt/mtdbak/Config/
# reboot

Afterwards I upgraded with a firmware sent to me by a Dahua rep.:

The problem with the DVR is that whatever configuration I am trying to change, after a reboot, everything is back to default. This includes passwords, IP address, port and everything else. After a reboot I am always greeted by the initial Startup Wizard. Any advice would be kindly appreciated. Thank you!


  • Dahua DVR3204LF-AL.jpg
    Dahua DVR3204LF-AL.jpg
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Thank's for the reply. The same thing happened even before removing the config and performing the firmware update. I think it might be somehow related to the malware.