Dahua firmware download link missing


Getting the hang of it
Apr 26, 2016
Is it me or did Dahua remove the Firmware download link from their products ?
Yes they have been removing the firmware links. I suspect they quit putting firmware out on their website because too many people are purchasing Chinese hacked cameras or fake Dahua cams and then bricking them when they try to update the firmware and then they have to field complaints and phone calls.

So now, they can simply tell people to go to the vendor they purchased the camera from.
yes i can imagine.

how can we get the latest FW updates now if its directly with dahua, someone have the access still ?
i was just checking for later releases for IPC-HDW5442T-Z

Am using V2.840.0000000.10.R, Build Date: 2021-09-30 right now.
Am using V2.840.0000000.10.R, Build Date: 2021-09-30 right now.
I hope everything works fine, but you want a slightly fresh release or are ready to play with custom and debug versions.
Am I understanding correctly or?
You really need to be asking yourself why are you updating? The 5442 series firmware has been buggy for many that have updated.

A common theme around here is don't fix what ain't broke. If the unit is working and meets your needs, in many instances an update breaks what you had working and provides you with something you didn't need. In most instances, updates are security vulnerability patches (usually years after the breach was found), but since we do not give our cameras internet access, the update is useless to us.

Here are issues I have seen people report here where they were upgrading just for the sake of upgrading:
  • A Dahua Z12E that someone updated and then constantly reboots comes to mind,
  • The Dahua 49225 PTZ that loses autotracking with an update come to mind,
  • A Hikvision ANPR camera losing half the FPS and loses the ability to read US plates - those are big deals to have happen.
  • Countless other instances where the camera simply bricked and became useless.
  • Countless examples where the camera went into Chinese.
Don't do it unless it is fixing a problem you are experiencing or adds a feature you really need.

Further, it is best to obtain any firmware updates from the vendor you purchased it from so that you do not run into issues. Any firmware you find here or elsewhere is obviously proceed at your own risk. We have many threads here where someone tried an update with a firmware they found on the internet and bricked their unit.

Many units being sold are Chinese hacked units that will either brick or go into Chinese upon updating. Some vendors will be upfront and tell consumers that as part of their website, but many do not or the consumer forgets...here is one such example....
