Dahua Interactive Whiteboards


IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
Reaction score
Hey guys

Dahua New Business right now also make some whiteboards for business and schools, i watch the sample before, looks awesome. If anyone want to add this kind of whiteboards at schools or business just let me know. Will get the great price for you. Not really suit for home users :D
Attached file is the details.



Pulling my weight
Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
I think traditional meeting rooms have people and large desks. New meeting rooms might not.

Barring that distinction, this offering appears to be an integrated pen capable large display + 4K camera and a beam forming microphone array (C class display only) plus multi-author sharing whiteboard feature conferencing software (not sure about that last point). I wonder how it stacks up in real life use to Zoom for 100 users for a room of 15+ users with two 65 inch displays (one to see all the users, one to see the whiteboard/presentation), as well as the remote users, each with two 27 inch displays?

I am quite curious as to how well that 12 array mic works at picking out an active speaker and eliminating the room noise and digitally zooming the 4K camera. When that sort of thing works, it is amazing, and like magic. When it doesn't, not so much. So far, i have found nothing better than everyone staying home and having two displays and their own good mic and camera, in a quiet room.

As for whiteboard functionality, one thing that i have found lacking is easy still creation (not just a video). When a group works on a session, there are points in time when the data should be captured and everyone can see it front and center for a long time, even when new material is being created later. A true white board is pretty good at that, but not so good at multi user creation, and there is the stink of some of those pens. There is a lot of room for improvement in the digital white board/meeting room space. The more monitors the better to display 1-3 old white boards, plus new meeting information the better.

I would like to see a demo or two of this system in use, and talk to existing beta users before i committed a room and money to it. It is interesting.