FWIW, my cams have no SD cards and I get snapshot JPEG's in my Brave browser with any of the first 3 URL's in the first post.SD card needs to be installed as that is where the snapshots are saved!
FWIW, my cams have no SD cards and I get snapshot JPEG's in my Brave browser with any of the first 3 URL's in the first post.
The API. Any of the first 3 of his posted URL's with my 841's IP/user/pass bring up the snapshot in Brave:Are you getting the snapshots from the GUI or the API? I think the snapshot function in the GUI will save to your computer but the API is saving to the camera?
But if it works with API then he must not have the local storage set up correctly for it to save to the computer.
Good question...my 841 has no storage path, no SD card and FTP and NAS are both disabled....the snap shows up in the Chromium-based browser and is gone if I close it, not saved any where.Interesting. So maybe the OP needs to configure the local save location?
Are you getting the snapshots from the GUI or the API? I think the snapshot function in the GUI will save to your computer but the API is saving to the camera?
But if it works with API then he must not have the local storage set up correctly for it to save to the computer.
FWIW, I changed the sub stream in this 841 to MJPG and I can NOT retrieve a snapshot in my browser with the first URL; I put it back to H.264 and it works as it should.I need http request. It can be browser/curl/whet or any way.
It works when substream h26x.
It does not work when substream mjpg.
It is a bug.
Yes, i found one. Asked to diler.Maybe look for a triple stream camera unless your Hiwatch is triple and still exhibits the same bug.