Dahua IP Camera - Image partially focussed

When I set an IVS event, I get
EIS and intelligence are mutually excluded. Cannot enable both at the same time.
How do I remove one or the other !
AI is switched on and i cannot turn it off


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@IceK - Smart Detection does not have the intrusion box, that is within the Deep IVS rules. I would recommend setting it up within the web GUI and not SmartPSS.

The EIS is turned on on your profile screen where you adjust brightness/contrast etc. Turn that off and that message should go away.
Thanks AJWitt, i Managed to sort it out by disabling EIS
Another question, if I put the camera on a tour and have 10 presets within it, but only two enabled for smart tracking, will these activate when the tour reaches those presets?
If the tracking activates, then will the tracking override the tour until tracking stops and reverts to the tour?
Glad that helped!

Yes, on a tour, the camera will stop at a preset and if motion is detected, it will follow that for the time limit of the motion that was set and then return to preset tour. Just make sure your preset tour time is long enough for IVS to kick in. For example, have it sit at each preset for a minimum of 5 seconds. Depending on your location and situation, you should definitely go longer than 5 seconds. I have done 15 seconds in the past with good results, but it is site specific.
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Thanks, that was what I expected. On the presets that I want the IVS to kick in, I have set the time for at least 15 seconds. I have done the presets but get the error shown in the attached screenshot.
Why is there a difference between the SmartPSS settings and the web, eg some presets are shown as different names, between the two and the tour works with SmartPSS but not via the web
Also the tracking time reverts back to 15 seconds, even if I change it to 60 or 100
Which is better to use, web or SmartPSS version ?


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It is best to always make any configuration changes within the Camera GUI instead of SmartPSS or NVR or however you connect to view the camera. If there is any changes between cameras and say SmartPSS is configured for one type of camera, but you are using a different camera and the coding doesn't match up (kind of like how the API to change a parameter that works for one Dahua camera doesn't work for a different Dahua Camera) and then it gets messed up. By doing it in the camera itself, you know that the change has been made.
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OK, so I will only use the web access to make changes.
However, I am still having issues with the Tour. I have 8 presets in a tour that ALL work individually. When I start the tour it goes to the first preset and stays there and dosen't move to the subsequent presets. The first preset tiltle appears after the predefined time but does not move to the next preset.
As mentioned in an earlier post regarding the firmware zipfiles, what are the additional .bins for, could my firmware be corrupt ?