Dahua IP recovery help needed


Getting comfortable
Jun 21, 2019
I bought an NVR5216-16P-4KS2 for a friend and today set it up here at home to get the feel for it. I run and prefer Blueiris myself. I made the mistake of plugging in several of my BI configured cameras into the NVR. Everything went well until I tried putting my cameras back online with BI. The NVR changed the cameras IP addresses to the 10.1.1.xx subnet and I cannot fine a way to get them back to default or to my original 10.0.0.xx subnet. I played with ONVIF Dev Mgr and Dahua Config tool but got neither to recognize the cameras. I did not have any luck with pressing reset buttons either.... Any help would be appreciated.
Saved by the Bell! I reset the NVR and changed the internal "switch" to my old trusty subnet and fortunately when I plugged the cameras back in, it changed them so when I put them back on my BI system, they were accessible. I was sweating because one of them was an SD49225XA and I could see myself crying over that one.
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Good you solved it.
For the future this is the easiest way to Fix it.

(0,5) Connect your cameras to a PoE switch connected to your LAN.
1. Change IP on your PC to the same 10.x.x.x range.
2. Use config tool to search for and change IP to the desired range.
3. Change back the IP on your PC.
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