Dahua IP Video Door phone

Yep, I've searched high and low for a solution, so I'm glad it's now finally working.

I ended up installing Bria on my mobile and now I am able to see who rings the front doorbell.
have you tried gDMSS? it has a door option i never tried thought it might be sip

but having it go through asterisks is alot more versatile, you can patch audio through even when you dont have data access.. have you got a sip provider so u can dial ph#'s?
I have not installed gDMSS, but I will try that soon. I don't use a SIP provider. How about yourself?

Yep, using Asterisk makes it really flexible. I will not try to use the VTO's built-in connections to control the door look. Instead, I will use a relay to control that. I can either buy a separate relay and connect it my Raspberry Pi (on which Asterisk is installed) or simply use one of the relays on my alarm panel. Either way, I can use a shell script to to control that relay. On the Asterisk side of things, I am now able to run such a shell script when I press a scertain combination of keypad numbers (DTMF) during a call, which means I can unlock the front door in the middle of a video call. I have also set up a separate extension number that can be called to trigger the door unlocking action (i.e. when in the middle of an existing call).

Asterisk is pretty cool. I just needed to learn the syntax of dial plans, etc.
I'm using flowroute for prepaid sip trunking, its pretty damn cheap.. if you hook into the telephony networks you can route calls out to a normal telephone number, I'd set it up as a fallback.. incase your SoftPhone's are not online or answering then call this cell ph#.. that way if the doorbell rings and your out enjoying life somewhere data coverage is not likely you can still get voice at least.

just be weary of having security issues with your dialplan, they scan for poorly configured sip servers to hijack constantly.. I have my firewall configured so only flowroute can dial into my asterisks server and I have external phone numbers I use.. I have 4 ph#'s, One for me, one for my wife, one for my work number being forwarded, and a toll free number for our relatives who still use landlines primarily.. We use google voice integration w/our cell phones that simultaneously rings our individual home lines so we can pickup on a voip phone at home where our coverage is crappy and phones usally plugged into a charger.. With home automation I can pull caller ID details and toast them up on all the computers and televisions, thats pretty nice.. I can also mute my TV w/a button on the phone.

My average home phone bill is ~$10/mo
Wow, that sounds great. I will look into. it. I like the idea of falling back to normal phone numbers. Thanks for the info.
Hi again nayr,

I am just looking at flowroute now. Can you just summarize how you set it up? Did you create a DID for each mobile device? Which SIP apps are you using?

I'm new to SIP trunks, so I'd really appreciate any more info you can provide.

I got a DID for each person, but if your making outbound calls only you wouldent need em..

exten => _1900NXXXXXX,1,Congestion() 
exten => _900NXXXXXX,1,Congestion() 
exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/XXXXXXXX*1${EXTEN}@flowroute)
exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,Congestion()

exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/XXXXXXXX*${EXTEN}@flowroute)
exten => _011NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/XXXXXXXX*${EXTEN}@flowroute)

and in sip.conf I have a [flowroute] defined.

I am only using sip for trunking, internally I am using sccp w/some used cisco voip phones.. no apps, just replaces a couple hardlines for me.
I got a DID for each person, but if your making outbound calls only you wouldent need em..

Hi nayr,

Just getting my head around this. You mentioned that you set up a DID for each person, and also that your firewall allows only SIP registrations coming from Flowroute. Does that mean that, for example, you have a SIP client app on your mobile that is set up to register using your DID back to your Asterisk server? If so, what SIP client software are you running?

In my case, I'd like to use a SIP client app on my phone (i.e. 3CX, Linphone, Zoiper, Bria, etc.) but not sure whether I would need to set the SIP registration using Flowroute (using the DID) or using my own Asterisk server (using one of own extensions).

Excuse my questions and I am just learning about this...

ah no im using sprint which has google voice integration, its simultaneously rigging my # through flowroute when someone calls it.. I have no clients on phones.

my asterisk server registers w/flowroute my telephony #'s, and my firewall has a group list that includes flowroute's IP's to allow connection direct to asterisks..

outbound calls are using the mobile number's caller-id, so my DID's are only for forwarding simultaneous ringing to..
I got SIP working if take door unit as sip server

However sip software does not allow to turn off voice prompts.

Anyone can help? May be bake firmware without sound files
I've alway had the same problem of this thread...I'm looking for a definitive solution. Read my post please.