Dahua IPC-EBW81200 mail timestamp issue (reception date 6 hours behind ...)

I will let you know when I receive a feedback on this.
I mentioned today, that the same happens on our nvr series 5 . But I didn't noticed it earlier, because in outlook 2013 you won't see the mail time directly. And here are also exactly 6h ...
Are you vendor ? Unfortunately support polcy from Dahua lakes it difficult to report bugs ...
Dahua has replied to me concerning th email timestamp issue. Technician was able to reproduce the problem so that will be fixed in a future release ...
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Are you vendor ? Unfortunately support polcy from Dahua lakes it difficult to report bugs ...
No, but a reseller and technician. But i have send from my german distributor an bug ticket to dahua. But it seems to be long lasting.
I am very unsaid, the bug still exists in new releases from November for newer cams like hdw5231R-Z. Does someone got a feedback or a firmware without this bug?
Any news about this issue ?
I have just re-enabled the mail notification again, and I see the issue is still there - not sure it has been solved in a newer release ...

As a reminder, the mails sent from the Dahua Camera (IPC-EBW81200) are coming with a 8 hours ahead difference so a mail sent at 3PM is displayed in the mailbox at 6AM. It corresponds to the timezone difference between belgium and China ... and this difference only displays in mail clients like Android mail, windows outlook, .... It displays the mail at the correct timestamp in Google GMAIL for example, because I think GMAIL takes another timestamp in the code.

Many thanks !!
Old thread, but had the same experience on two of my cams. They are also 4431 camera's.

Here is my solution for this issue.
Install your own "postfix" smtp server en remove the 'date' from the header.
When the email arrives in your email client it always gets the local time of arrival.

You have to add "header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks" to "main.cf"
make the file /etc/postfix/header_checks
and add "/^Date:/ IGNORE" to this file. The date/timestamp from the original mail is deleted.

The date can also be replaced via the regex in "header_checks" but I didn't find a solution for this to work.
So if anyone knows how this is done....