Dahua IPC-HDB3200C Mini Dome Ghosting resolved


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
I have had the Dahua IPC-HDB3200C in operation at a location for about a year with blue iris. It worked well, except that if local recording to the internal SD card was enabled there would be ghosting in the stream. Each time a person walked by the movement was blurred and ghosted. This only occurred when sd card recording was enabled. After much testing, i discovered that if i changed the recording format from the default h.264 to h.264B there was no longer any ghosting. Hope this helps someone.
Wow, very cool thanks. I put 4 of these in a daycare center. They're doing great over a year now. I don't use an SD card so I never ran into an issue. Didn't even realize there was more than one H format to choose. The other night I tried it in a few locations around my house and it was a no go. Even in spots with some exterior lights the image wouldn't wake up enough. This camera needs copious lights within the fov or else you just have darkness. It demonstrated one thing, I need IR cameras everywhere here. Sucks, but that's reality.
In the location i have it installed, there are two cfl flood lights, they provide adequate light for a nice color image. I much prefer that to IR and having to deal with reflections and spiders.
Yeah, me too. I had it for a driveway position which has dual bright motion lights and a lamp post light. Although the car was lighted okay, whatever was in shadow was completely dark and certainly the fov as a whole, well beyond just the car, was black. It truly needs a fully lighted area to wake the image up. Or, a small fov for just what you want to see lit up. I have three of them in a well lit parking lot and they do well. But shadowy residential with dim street lights won't do for the larger picture.