Dahua IPC-HFW4305D Email and Ftp not working !!

There is something not clear to me.
My ftp server is in another place, so I have to reach it by internet. I don't have in my internet public IP addresses, so for this reason I am using ddns no-ip to locate my ftp server with ubuntu.
DNS is what is used to resolve names to IP's, your IPCamera cannot talk to any DNS Services, thus it cannot resolve your dynamic dns and find your IP address for your home server... this means your camera has no idea how to reach your home server and this is why you never see it attempt to connect.

In other words, your camera is failing to do dns/hostname lookups correctly, thats why it works off the IP but not the hostname
I have changed on the camera the network IP address from static to dhcp, so the camera is taking the DNS from the router and it can send email without Google DNS.
So it means that camera can solve the name with the dynamic DNS, for email settings but not for FTP settings.
Like I said previously, on smartPss you can enter only numeric IP address but web interface allowed it and also save correctly.
I think this is a firmware bug not solved.
Is there any possibility going to change some file settings with telnet to avoid my problem ?
What's username and password for telnet connetcion?
Thanks to all.
More than likely a compatibility issue with your FTP server.

You could try your camera with my beta IP Cam FTP service app at https://app.comsci.co.uk/CamAlert

or you can test your FTP server for compatibility against https://ftptest.net/

If using passive FTP against a server on a dynamic IP address pay attention to the returned Passive IP address and ports...
My Ftp server is working properly, I can reach from Internet using the ddns name from Mac OS X, Linux and Windows trasfering
image file..
I think it's still worth at least testing for compatibility against https://ftptest.net/

Create a temporary FTP dummy account and delete it afterwards if you're worried about divulging login details.

It might be that your other Mac OS, Linux, Windows tests default to active mode FTP, or work at a different link security / encryption level.