Dahua NVR email test always fails


Getting the hang of it
Apr 26, 2017
I'm attempting to configure my Dahua NVR from the wiki here:

I've got all of the settings in there properly, as far as I can tell, but no matter what I try, I always get "Email Test Failed"
At first I thought that it was my DNS settings, but my DNS is set to and the alternate is Is there some other setting that needs to be set in order to send emails?
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Is your NVR on the same network as your LAN? Can it reach the internet?
I'm able to connect to it from my LAN, and it can reach the internet. I was able to update the time via NTP
And you followed the gmail
“Allow less secure apps is set to ON:”
Using full email address
Yes that is correct. I even configured a new mail just for this, so that I would be sure that it worked.
Hmmm I’m not aware of a firmware problem but you could check on updating. What model is it?

Id duplicate what you have on your phone/pc at home assuming same network. I have to admit having same problem on one and it turned out I’d misspelled the password. Does your provider allow smtp email out using that port/ssl?
This is a DH-XVR5116HS-X. The FW version is 4.000.0000001.4. Says build data is 2018-03-17.

I'm going to try a lightweight email client on my desktop to see if something is afoot
Ok, just tried this with Sylpheed and it allows it to send from my desktop.
Ok I have a 7000 series XVR that works fine, let me look …
I've been having better luck going outbound from NVR or Blue Iris, with my trusty 22 year old Hotmail account LOL. ( now Outlook.live or some shit.)
seems to be less blockage/hassle to get a succesful test message thru.
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Yeah but the problem is that it isn't working with Earthlink either, and that is pretty pedestrian
What settings have you tried?

This is what I have on mine and it works fine.
Importantly, the username and sender is the same email address of the email account sending the email.
I see the Dahua Wiki mentions 465 instead of 587 for SMTP.

I setup this as an application password rather than my main Google account one.

EDIT: I'll point out that with a 'less secure apps' password it will delete them all if your Google Account's main password is changed.
I figured If i have 15GB of storage on a Hotmail/Outlook.com
and 15Gb on a gmail account, I don't max out the email account as fast. (15GB sent + 15GB receive = 30GB.
Like I would If i send and receive on john@gmail. 7.5 sent = 7.5 received = 15GB a full account.
Currently I am getting only 4 weeks before I have to delete all the motion alert emails. and I only have like 2-3 cams alerting out of 18.
I figured If i have 15GB of storage on a Hotmail/Outlook.com
and 15Gb on a gmail account, I don't max out the email account as fast. (15GB sent + 15GB receive = 30GB.
Like I would If i send and receive on john@gmail. 7.5 sent = 7.5 received = 15GB a full account.
Currently I am getting only 4 weeks before I have to delete all the motion alert emails. and I only have like 2-3 cams alerting out of 18.

Or you set up a filter to have the email autodelete the sent emails to yourself, then you don't fill up the outbox and inbox with the same message!
Who even does that? LOL
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I tried your settings Mark_M, but it didn't work:


I still get the same exact same "Email Test Failed"
Can you show a screen so if your network settings?
Ok well the FW update seems to have fixed the problem. Now the other issue, getting it to send an email when there's motion detection on this one particular channel
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