Dahua NVR W/ VPN Setup - Push Notifications

I as many I understand. Have had issues with anything apart from standard motion detection push notifications to the Dahua DMSS application. IVS and any AI notifications would not forward. This has been the case on firmwares above 7.1 for the NVR 5216.

Messing around on a rainy UK afternoon. I have discovered that if the P2P function is enabled. All notifications for IVS and AI are being received!
I don't want to use P2P as I have open VPN setup.

I presume P2P opens additional ports for IVS notifications.

I can confirm this. Super annoying bug.
You may also consider a $5 lifetime subscription to Pushover as used by @Jessie.slimer here.
This is due to numerous issues with G-mail and/or various cell providers SMS alerts being delayed for hours.
So does pushover as referred to by @TonyR overcome all that other complicated setup explained elsewhere in this thread. Is anyone using it? I had a read, see photo. Does it solve the issue?IMG_1832.jpeg
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I’m no techy and still finding my way. I followed the responses but was lost working out the blways members were overcoming issues. I’d read people using rpi’s. VPN yes, split tunnels and beyond I’m lost. I was researching for a locked down local network that I can get phone notifications via vpn. I saw the pushover reference and wondered was it that easy. For $5 it’d be a steal. Minor workaround for those in the know, greater issue for those less tech savvy, me.