+1 on keeping the Noise Filter off. In my quiet backyard you cannot hear me talking standing right underneath it with noise filtering on. Turn it off and I can hear my next door neighbor fart from 100 feet away LOL.
You can save yourself a lot of pain and suffering by not reinventing the wheel.I decided to work further on this until I run out of steam, there's something about the balance between work and effort v potential benefit and rewards.
On a previous test on our living room carpet I separated the microphone insert from the camera using about 3 feet of screened cable and the machinery noise was still present. A 30% setting on the Noise Filter would seem to keep this quiet enough. Today I used a 5v separate power supply to the electret insert via a 1k resistor and a 1.5uf audio coupling capacitor, the audio output was about as low as before. I think it needs a pre-amp. I haven't enough room in the PFA120 mount for a Microseven M7WP-MIC, perhaps just enough for a pre-amp. Thanks for the suggestions about using a PoE splitter. Though I haven't enough room in the mount for a splitter too, I could have the splitter in the attic and run a short length of bell wires along with the other cables in the conduit to power a mic pre-amp in the mount.
Tests here are still ongoing, the camera is not going up on the wall just yet.
I'm justI tried suggesting that earlier @looney2ns but it fell on deaf ears.