Dahua PTZ mini dome camera noise


Dec 23, 2024
Hello - I bought a Dahua mini PTZ dome camera some time ago from an official EU supplier- brand new - the camera makes barely any perceptible noise when moving through PTZ positions .

I have another one I bought recently from an “online marketplace prefixed with lowercase e” - and although it is clearly new and official Dahua- it is really quite rickety when moving - the cameras are identical . This camera was listed as originating from mainland China .

does Dahua release inferior quality products/ products failing quality control to mainland China , I remember reading some time ago you could buy identical cameras that were running Chinese firmware at a lower price ? Or is the quality control just very variable ?

There are lots of fakes out there. It is why we advocate for buying from trusted vendors.

Or maybe a lemon one out of the lot.

They are all from China, even your official EU supplier one.
How much noise is expected though ? Vertical tracking is completely silent - horizontal makes an audible clacking sound like a roller coaster but obviously much quieter . When running on a table some vibration is obviously communicated ? Is this normal . Also , the Ui for this camera looks quite different from any others I have seen - the box makes mention to “Smart H265” but I believe Dahua’s “smart” brand is WizSense/Mind.

Aside from that the build quality seems excellent and no different from anything else.

This is the UI. - can anyone advise if this is legit or an aftermarket firmware ?

Thats a mobile phone. Its not made, nor are any Dahua cameras, to be 100% controlled via phone.

Login to the web UI of the camera on a real computer
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No I appreciate that - it was really to give a glimpse of the colour scheme , white background , which is foreign to all other Dahua products I have , which you’ll agree is unlikely to change between phone and PC - in fact in this instance I know it’s the same.
The new Dahua GUI white/blue, a stark contrast from the black/grey/orange of the previous GUI.
I wager that the crappy camera is counterfeit, built in China and marketed by that sketchy vendor. Counterfeiting is pervasive in China, it's not legal but because so many genuine devices are built-in China it's relatively easy to commission the creation and marketing of a counterfeit. The government cannot possibly address all such instances so it goes on.....and on.

As stated by @wittaj , purchase ONLY from a reputable vendor. Many on IPCT purchase from @EMPIRETECANDY because he is trusted, fast and fair.

The money you save buying a cheap knock-off is soon lost on getting it to work the way you think it should which is seldom what it can do at its best.
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No I appreciate that - it was really to give a glimpse of the colour scheme , white background , which is foreign to all other Dahua products I have , which you’ll agree is unlikely to change between phone and PC - in fact in this instance I know it’s the same.

No actually thats the latest UI that's been around for going on a year? on many cameras in Dahua's lineup. Though not all Dahua cameras are using it yet

miniptz3.jpg miniptz2.jpg miniptz1.jpg
Plus I would think testing it upside down from how it is supposed to be installed and on a table is going to have some additional noises and vibrations, especially if it is a cheaper model made from plastic.
The price difference was negligible really as well - it also came with a Dahua bracket which seems legit. Is there any requirement for lubrication to be done on these PTZ cameras ? If so what would one use. Thanks for the help anyway though .
Plus I would think testing it upside down from how it is supposed to be installed and on a table is going to have some additional noises and vibrations, especially if it is a cheaper model made from plastic.
That’s true, gravity undoubtedly playing a part - the exterior casing seems identical. The casing on these seems like a strange metallic/plastic mix