Dahua VTO2111D-WP "1st gen" FIRMWARE upgrade

Feb 12, 2020
Hello dear wizards!

I decided to open a new thread after scouring the internet, and this forum in particular, for a definitive answer to a question. Can I safely update this VTO2111D-WP 1st gen to a V4.3 or V4.5 firmware without risking bricking or worse?

A month ago or so I bought a Dahua Doorbell DH VTO2111D-WP that I have narrowed down to a 1st generation hardware version of this particular popular range of dahua doorbells. I will use it as a stand alone unit. No indoor unit. I have tested it thoroughly and it is working as intended, with P2P reaching out my devices on the DMSS app.

As per Dahua’s wiki, this hardware version is non-SIP v3 only, but reading all over the threads that mention dahua's VTO's from the same range, it looks to me that it may actually be compatible with newer firmware that can help me achieve my goal, that is, like many users before me, to find a compatible firmware in my mother language (Portuguese).

My unit came with the English v firmware installed. I have found many sources for other firmware files, but none from the V3 that has multi language west European countries. I have also considered finicking with the audio files to install a custom ringtone suited to my language, as described elsewhere in this forum, but I am weary of going this route because it takes a lot of effort, skills and non standard resources to achieve, while being also riskier than a simple firmware update, so, I am not going this way for now.

Any help appreciated. Any criticism also appreciated. Best wishes to all.

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A common theme around here is don't fix what ain't broke. If the unit is working and meets your needs, in many instances an update breaks what you had working and provides you with something you didn't need. A Z12E that someone updated and then constantly reboots comes to mind, and a certain PTZ that loses autotracking with an update come to mind, a Hikvision ANPR camera losing half the FPS and ability to read US plates - those are big deals to have happen. Don't do it unless it is fixing a problem you are experiencing or adds a feature you really need.

Further, it is best to obtain any firmware updates from the vendor you purchased it from so that you do not run into issues. Any firmware you find here or elsewhere is obviously proceed at your own risk. We have many threads here where someone tried an update with a firmware they found on the internet and bricked their unit.

Many units being sold are Chinese hacked units that will either brick or go into Chinese upon updating. Some vendors will be upfront and tell consumers that as part of their website, but many do not or the consumer forgets...here is one such example....

This might be the case for many devices and I agree - but in case of VTO/VTH I always suggest to upgrade to latest FW.
There were tons of bugs and most of them have been fixed with updates.
In fact it is almost impossible to really brick a dahua device with a update - if you have at least some minor technical understandings and can READ, then it should be doable for anybody to "unbrick" a dahua device.
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Wow, I thought my post would pass unnoticed. Thank you both for your input! I was kinda hopping it would reach you Mr. riogrande75, as you seem to be one of the major contributors to dahua users all over the forum, and to me, it looks like you know your stuff. Lucky me. I am sorry for taking this long to reply as I was away from home duties.

I conclude that your short answer is: yes, you can, at your own risk, try to go for V4 even in a generation 1 hardware VTO2111D-WP. I do have some knowledge and technical understanding, but since I am not having much free time I just wanted to try to minimize the need for avoidable tinkering if I can. I also agree with wittaj that "one shouldn't try to fix what ain't broken" and I appreciate your warning, however, as much I could live with an English speaking doorbell in a non-English speaking country, that alone is a good reason to try to improve my user experience from that cute piece of hardware. But the decisive factor that is putting me up to the challenge is that the web gui for the V3 firmware doesn't work (it won't show the login interface properly, it loads the webservice but the page is just a clean page, no login interface) on any mac browser that I have, that is, it is windows only. This is not a compulsory fix per se (I do have a windows VM, but I don't like using it) and it is a great nuisance to me. I also want that improved.

I am aware of the chinese grey market products and their firmware issues, but since I have already flashed a V3 multilanguage firmaware on my unit and it went well, I reckon I should be ok there. The door bell now speaks russian, polish and other east european languages. But unlucky me, the V3 west european firmware I found did not flash properly.

another comment I'd make is that unfortunately I cannot reach for Dahua local support as I bought this from a private second hand vendor. More over, apparently Dahua doesn't offer support to products they don't officialy sell and support locally.

As soon as I find free time I'll flash and report. Have a great week everyone!!!!!

This might be the case for many devices and I agree - but in case of VTO/VTH I always suggest to upgrade to latest FW.
There were tons of bugs and most of them have been fixed with updates.
In fact it is almost impossible to really brick a dahua device with a update - if you have at least some minor technical understandings and can READ, then it should be doable for anybody to "unbrick" a dahua device.
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another comment I'd make is that unfortunately I cannot reach for Dahua local support as I bought this from a private second hand vendor. More over, apparently Dahua doesn't offer support to products they don't officialy sell and support locally.

Most of us here know that the Dahua and Hikvisions of the world do not cater to the "consumer" market - their target audience is professional installers, so we are considered "prosumer" and we are fortunate to get our hands on these types of cameras and NVRs instead of consumer grade junk and not having to go thru professional installers to get quality gear. Now the downside is we get them at a discount and without manuals and support and thus are on our own to figure it out. And we are just fine with that! That is what Google search and this forum is for!

We are fortunate a forum like this exists to help with that. We do not exist in their world and that is their business model and they made the business decision to not compete with the Rings and Nests and Reolinks of the world and as such to do offer these cameras at box stores for consumers to purchase directly. Dahua and Hik cater to the professional installers...and would tell you to contact the vendor you got them from if you have questions or need support...

Contrast that with consumer grade units. You can call a Night Owl or Arlo or Reolink or Lorex or Amcrest or DLink or Google Nest or Ring and speak to a representative (now whether they can help you or not is another story) and for most novice callers they provide good customer service, but they will not tell you to talk to Best Buy where you purchased it...and several of these cost the same or more as Dahua or Hikvision...

Personally I will take better quality cameras and no support and forums like this than crap cameras with customer support that I end up knowing more than the call center person I am calling...

Google it.
In all honesty I thought I'd bricked it at first but I think that was because I tried to upgrade the ATMEL - dont do that.
I got a English speaking lang pack installed too, taken from another product / source and just renamed to match.
OK got IT. but WEB GUI seems to be full bugged. Items titles wrong...
Do you know if it is possible to update to a 2nd Gen version ?
Sorry I just compared and figured it out on the go. I only had two to do it to and that was it so didn't write it up or anything as it was simple enough.
Just compare the download for that VTO and one with the english pack in. Usual FTP sites you can find them on.
I've just had to do it again as one of them lost its' webpages for some reasons.
Just uploaded General_VTO2111D_Eng_P_16M_SIP_V4.300.0000000.7.R.20200311 over the top again using config tool and the webpages came back again.
Then the link to the English speech from riogrande above to get a British voice.
I've never used it, but if you can explain how to test it I will try.
that said, it doesn't look good, this guy might be better to ask:

Does the RFID reader works after an upgrade to 4.3?

yes,it works. 4 weeks ago I've updated my 3 devices with 4.3 fw
no any problems, the notifications on mobile are faster now then with an old firmware

following files I've used:

26.10.2021 12:38 224.321 General_VTH52X1D-data_EngDthFrnGerItlPorSpa_P_32M_SIP_PART_V4.300.0000003.0.R.20190510.bin
26.10.2021 12:38 13.157.125 General_VTH52X1D_Eng_P_SIP_V4.300.0000000.4.R.20190319.bin
26.10.2021 12:24 13.242.311 Primo File - General_VTO2111D_Eng_P_16M_SIP_V4.300.0000000.6.R.20190320.bin
26.10.2021 12:24 621.387 Secondo File - General_VTO2111D-data_EngDthFrnGerItlPorSpa_P_16M_SIP_PART_V4.300.0000003.0.R.20190530.bin


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Thanks @Ustas22
Just did the upgrade, webserver looks way better and is really responsive.
I'm now having a hard time finding a way to add a non-admin user...
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Hi, I upgraded my first generation VTO2111D-WP with 4.3 version, and everything is working OK.
I use it to push calls to my mobile app, not internal monitor.
I installed with VDPconfig first the general FW, then reset, installed language FW, other reset, and it's working with french voice and french web server 2.
Aparently the 1st generation accepts firmware for 1st and 2nd generation, but not for 3er, probably the ROM have different size (1st & 2nd 16M, 3er 32M ?)
I found a SD memory slot inside, any one know if is possible to use it as storage or something?


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