Dahua VTO3211D-P2 Invalid Password


Oct 15, 2019
Hi guys. So done loads of searching and tried a lot of stuff but can't figure this out. Basically its as follows:

All passwords never changed from admin / admin

Was upgrading the Dahua VTO3211D-P2 to add SIP support
It wouldn't flash any of the firmware downloaded other than the ones in the package named Squashx
Flashed a few of these and version went up each time but still no sip options in web gui
In the end I though I will flash the back to v3.2 which it did using the squshx bin file, but I read this wasnt the one that was needed really so tried the others but it just rebooted the VTO each time I tried at 50% and failed.

At this point everything is working no issues other than I am no further on with my original goal of SIP support.
I decided to reset the unit with the tamper button pressed 5 times.
This reset the user accounts it seems and now the admin can't log in
I tried a full reset by pressing and holding internal reset ( done this a few times for different lenghts of time 5, 10, 20 secs)
It all reboots but still locked out of the gui and VDPConfig both say Login Failed or incorrect password etc.

The username and password before all this was admin/admin and that now doesnt work.
I have tried a load of other defaults but nothing lets me in.

Any ideas what I can do? The unit is powering up has defaulted to makes all the right noises when it truns on and the GUI loads fine. Its also detected correctly in VDPConfig.

I just can't log in!

Thanks for any help
OK well using TFTP I managed to restore -Sort of- to 3.2 but although now I can access the GUI it wont flash anything now from the VDP app and no longer tries to take files via TFTP. What a pile of crap these things are!
Hi guys. So done loads of searching and tried a lot of stuff but can't figure this out. Basically its as follows:

All passwords never changed from admin / admin

Was upgrading the Dahua VTO3211D-P2 to add SIP support
It wouldn't flash any of the firmware downloaded other than the ones in the package named Squashx
Flashed a few of these and version went up each time but still no sip options in web gui
In the end I though I will flash the back to v3.2 which it did using the squshx bin file, but I read this wasnt the one that was needed really so tried the others but it just rebooted the VTO each time I tried at 50% and failed.

At this point everything is working no issues other than I am no further on with my original goal of SIP support.
I decided to reset the unit with the tamper button pressed 5 times.
This reset the user accounts it seems and now the admin can't log in
I tried a full reset by pressing and holding internal reset ( done this a few times for different lenghts of time 5, 10, 20 secs)
It all reboots but still locked out of the gui and VDPConfig both say Login Failed or incorrect password etc.

The username and password before all this was admin/admin and that now doesnt work.
I have tried a load of other defaults but nothing lets me in.

Any ideas what I can do? The unit is powering up has defaulted to makes all the right noises when it truns on and the GUI loads fine. Its also detected correctly in VDPConfig.

I just can't log in!

Thanks for any help
I'm in the same situation. Have you been able to fix it? The internal button does absolutely nothing. It is not possible to reset it.
Someone who can help us, please.
Connect to TTL and manualy erase config & backup partition
What current firmware at your device?
I'm a noob
I'm too, so what?

You need usb2ttl adapter & connect it to your PC & your device (open it & find 4pin)
If it's too hard for your find more smart specialist near you & at last call Dahua Tech Support or give them your device.

It's interesting adventure ;)
I'm too, so what?

You need usb2ttl adapter & connect it to your PC & your device (open it & find 4pin)
If it's too hard for your find more smart specialist near you & at last call Dahua Tech Support or give them your device.

It's interesting adventure ;)
I already have a usb2ttl and I know where the pins are but I don't know what I have to execute commands in putty. any tutorial?
So, 1st do
setenv dh_keyboard 0
& put here bootlog

after reboot device, stop it
and put here output of