Damaged Pig Tail Jack - Lemon-aid out of Lemons


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
Well, I screwed up the pigtail jack on my 5231R-ZE, and it was completely my fault. I was trying out different locations in my backyard, using a premade 50' length of CAT 6, so I was not able to use the weathertight connector that comes with the camera. I am in S Cal, and was not expecting rain any time soon but I kind of kept putting it off to install a permanent cable, and it ended up biting me in the butt. I woke up one morning and the camera was offline. Looking outside I saw a heavy early morning 'fog' so I had a pretty good idea what happened. The first thing I did was to check the pigtail jack and it did not look good. A couple of the pins looked very discolored and when I tried cleaning them up, one actually snapped off. (POE must have shorted and zapped it pretty good).

My first thought was 'there goes $175 down the drain', but then I started googling the problem, I came across several threads where people either added a new punch down type jack or spliced on a new piece of cable. I decided to take the second route and added about a 10' length of cable which actually was the Lemon-aid part, because it worked out better in this case

I tested the damaged jack and the previous pinouts for Dahua cams that I found were right on the money. I had nothing to lose so I got out my solder iron and had at it. It wasn't really that bad. The camera wires are pretty thin and a little hard to work with, but with a little patience, it was doable. I was bery pleased when I fired it back up and it worked as good as new. (thanks to all the previous posters that helped out)

For my own records, I made up this 'wiring diagram for dummies' just in case this happened again. Note - I decided to cut the cable below the branch for the external POE connection because I never used that connector to begin with. Those two wires (red & black) were just capped off. The (4) most important wires, data) were two sets of twisted pairs encased in a foil wrap. I started with those and then finished with the POE wires

Attached are pics of the grandkids treehouse with the camera mounted under the roof overhang. I think it actually worked out better

Pig Tail.jpg



Known around here
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks for sharing!! Anyone know if this is the same pin out for the 2231?
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