Dash Cam?


Getting the hang of it
Feb 9, 2025
Sorry don't shoot me here I am old. I have never thought of having a Dash Cam.

In short what are they used for in a practical sense? What cause one to buy and use them?
Someone swerves in front of you at the last second and stands on the brakes. You hit them.

When the police get there, they say you rear ended them and are at fault

What do?
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Ah thanks. I see I didn't know this was even a thing. I sort of live in a smaller town.

I have had several people swerve at me in larger cities..

Do you all have them? Has this happened to you?

So sad what happens these days.
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Do you just leave these in you car? Dont people just steal them?
Most of the time they are up in the black area of the window behind the rearview mirror with just the lens showing and the wiring is ran in the roof liner, so they are not that noticeable. Some popular model cars even have aftermarket you can buy that part of the rearview mirror.

Plus many have LTE and GPS that will send back video of any movement, so a perp will likely not take the chance that it is doing that and provide clean video and location of them LOL.
I noticed some have WiFi is that to connect to the home WiFi to upload the video? The inside of your car doesnt have wifi so?
That wifi is to connect to the wifi of your phone for the video feed and to access more features of the dashcam.
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That wifi is to connect to the wifi of your phone for the video feed and to access more features of the dashcam.

The BlackVue ones can upload to their cloud, and you can trick them into upload to a local NAS

Sorry don't shoot me here I am old. I have never thought of having a Dash Cam.

In short what are they used for in a practical sense? What cause one to buy and use them?
I had someone fail to yield at a roundabout and I smashed their B pillar in.
My wife had an officer change lanes, into her lane, mid-turn, and she had to pass him to avoid collision. He pulled her over and she had to convince him he cut her off, mid-turn.
I was on a jury for a trial where dash cam footage would have answered all of the questions and not wasted my time.
I had a tractor trailer run me off into the center shoulder twice and then proceed to drive like a jackass, doing the same thing to other cars and semis, for 20 miles.
I have one in the motorcoach. Mostly since cars seem to think that you can stop on a dime and do like to cut you off. Have not had an actual highway incident that needed it yet, but have recorded a lot of things seen on the road with it, like one guy's rear tire coming off his car and passing him. The first one I had in there was stolen when they broke into the RV at the storage yard. Since then, I remove it when it is in the storage yard.

Keep thinking I should put one in each of my and wife's cars, but have not done that yet.
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25% of the crashes around central Florida are hit and run. Anything to help you get ID and license plate info is a big plus. I was involved in a sandwich wreck where I was in the middle while at a complete stop. The persons insurance company that my truck rear ended, tried blaming me for their damages. I told them I had very good dash cam video of what happened. Never heard another peep out of them. Get a dash cam with rear window cam also. They work!
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Two words

Insurance Fraud
Someone here gave me a couple of tips

  • turn off mph recording on the video
  • turnoff in car audio

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Someone here gave me a couple of tips

  • turn off mph recording on the video
  • turnoff in car audio

I would agree with MPH recording, but still have mine on.
I would disagree with in car audio for a couple reasons.
  • If you were to be stopped, even though you can't see the officer, you still have the conversation recorded. This goes for any interaction with anyone.
  • As long as there isn't too much other ambient noise, it can capture your turn signal working, in the event there is a claim you failed to signal.
  • I have had to use it to help diagnose/prove to the service advisor an issue I was having with the transmission in my truck.
  • And other than self-incrimination for things you might say, I really don't see any reason to not have the additional proof/evidence that audio gives.
Yeah that last bullet point….:rofl: