Database Removed After Rebooting Computer


May 17, 2017
The last few months I am noticing the database is gone after the PC reboots. Rebuilding works. I am on the latest stable version.

Thank you!
Are you sure it is the DB and not the alert thumbnails? There are lots of threads of issues with alert thumbnails disappearing with 5.6.6.X and newer.
Are you sure it is the DB and not the alert thumbnails? There are lots of threads of issues with alert thumbnails disappearing with 5.6.6.X and newer.
That is very possible. I will check. Assume when this happens the app and the external viewer would also show no clips available?
That is correct - it would show no alert thumbnails, but the BVR video files are still there.
Rollback to a stable version and wait for folks to say it is fixed.
I highly recommend reporting your experience to support at BI. I have been emailing Ken at BI on the issue but fear I am being blown off as pilot error.

Unfortunately for me at least I have been unable to recreate the Alert Events even though the DB rebuilds without error.

It's particularly frustrating when you lose 6 months of events and want to find something during that period.

I only use final released versions that are marked up as stable.
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I highly recommend reporting your experience to support at BI. I have been emailing Ken at BI on the issue but fear I am being blown off as pilot error.

Unfortunately for me at least I have been unable to recreate the Alert Events even though the DB rebuilds without error.

It's particularly frustrating when you lose 6 months of events and want to find something during that period.

I only use final released versions that are marked up as stable.

You quoted the wrong person as I am on an older release so I am not having problems LOL.

I only update when BI adds something I want or need. I do not update to stable versions just for the sake of updating, and many here do the same.

BUT anytime the DB is rebuilt all of the alert thumbnails are lost, so you will never be able to recreate alert events. It has been that way since the beginning of BI.

But none of the video is lost when the DB is rebuilt, just the alert thumbnails. It just means you have to watch and scrub the video, but the actual event isn't lost, just the alert thumbnail.

I do recognize and hate that on the few instances I have had to delete and rebuild the DB, but it is what it is.
You quoted the wrong person as I am on an older release so I am not having problems LOL.

I only update when BI adds something I want or need. I do not update to stable versions just for the sake of updating, and many here do the same.

BUT anytime the DB is rebuilt all of the alert thumbnails are lost, so you will never be able to recreate alert events. It has been that way since the beginning of BI.

But none of the video is lost when the DB is rebuilt, just the alert thumbnails. It just means you have to watch and scrub the video, but the actual event isn't lost, just the alert thumbnail.

I do recognize and hate that on the few instances I have had to delete and rebuild the DB, but it is what it is.
Sorry I had intended to make a general post rather than reply .

Presently I think Ken is fighting the DB issue on more than one level. Ken advised me that the Alerts folder DOES NOT STORE Alerts and the Help file states that also. However my system very definitely stores the confirmed Alerts in the folder. Bit worrying really if Ken is not on top of what is going on!
Ken is correct in that the alerts folder DOES NOT STORE the alert thumbnails and they are deleted with a DB rebuild.

It is a misunderstanding of what you think alert images are and what and how the DB compiles alert images and the pointers to the DB.

Images that are in the alerts folder are either AI confirmed alerts in that folder with burned in images OR you have the selected the option to save hi-rez, but those are not tied to the DB.

You can confirm and test that by deleting out all the photos in the alerts folder, yet you will still retain the alert thumbnails in BI.

I blow my alert images out every week because that folder gets so large, yet I still retain the alert thumbnails.

In fact, I blew out thousands of alert images just this morning from the Alerts folder, yet I see all the alert thumbnails in BI for as far back as I have video.
Ken is correct in that the alerts folder DOES NOT STORE the alert thumbnails and they are deleted with a DB rebuild.

It is a misunderstanding of what you think alert images are and what and how the DB compiles alert images and the pointers to the DB.

Images that are in the alerts folder are either AI confirmed alerts in that folder with burned in images OR you have the selected the option to save hi-rez, but those are not tied to the DB.

You can confirm and test that by deleting out all the photos in the alerts folder, yet you will still retain the alert thumbnails in BI.

I blow my alert images out every week because that folder gets so large, yet I still retain the alert thumbnails.

In fact, I blew out thousands of alert images just this morning from the Alerts folder, yet I see all the alert thumbnails in BI for as far back as I have video.

I believe we are saying much the same thing, in that the folder does not remain empty. It does actually STORE confirmed images. As you say you clear yours out regularly, hence it is storing the Alerts.

I believe the point you are making is that the Alerts folder has nothing to do with Alert clips (confirmed events) in the database which we are both in agreement.

I use a RamDrive for the Alerts folder and it slowly fills up with marked up confirmed images and is cleared automatically every 7 days.

This contradicts "the alerts folder DOES NOT STORE the alert thumbnails"
Call me old fashioned.
WIn 11 on this version of BI has been stable.
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Maybe my issue was different. I lost all clips, not just alerts. I did go back to the version above and it seems to be working again and I did report it to BI supoprt.

Thank you for all the help!
I had to go back to (doesn't mean it broke right after that one) because the version just before 5.6.6.X still had the issue for me. BI support has not been fast in getting back with me about the issue and the only thing so far they have contacted me about was to go back to the latest version and rebuild the database. That did not work to keep it from happening at reboot. It does rebuild the database of course but I knew I could do that already to fix it temporarily.