Dedicated NVR vs BlueIris with DeepStack?

I guess for that I could always get good smart camera with alarm output (relay) wires and get it connected alarm system and have that processed with home automation system.. I think there would be way to deal with that.

My comment was in reference to facial recognition and how poor it is and that almost anyone could mistakenly unlock your door, and that would be the same whether it is Deepstack or a good smart camera.
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Do you really, really, want to trust a home automation system and camera to handle the security of your home? Think very carefully about reliability and how often it can fail.

Yes, clouds were another headache in BI motion detection.
Do you really, really, want to trust a home automation system and camera to handle the security of your home? Think very carefully about reliability and how often it can fail.

Yes, clouds were another headache in BI motion detection.
No.. I just stated that it did not sounds like headache should I try to do something like that.

I trust home automation to handle tasks based on input from security system. I don't think I want to unlock my house and disarm my security based on face recognition from camera. What I am saying is that logistically it doesn't sound too difficult to do with BI and DeepStack.
That said I can some uses for Alarm feature on the camera itself monitored by home alarm system that is connected to home automation system. But that is another story for another day. :-)
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In my A/V rack I have Multimedia PC and PC that runs BI and home automation software.. Maybe I should just upgrade Multimedia PC and kill one of the PC and have it all handled by one machine. It would save energy and if Windows can behave it might work with good hardware. LOL
I haven't had a problem with Win10 since I shut off updates for it about three years ago. Once in a while Blue Iris might crash, but running it as a service brings it right back up again. I wouldn't load a media server and HA on the same machine with BI. Maybe the HA which is a low CPU and disk consumer, but keeping the media server separate is probably a good idea. My BI machine does act as a file server but it has a lot of room for platter, SSD and M2 drives along with the power supply to handle it all.
I wouldn't load a media server and HA on the same machine with BI. Maybe the HA which is a low CPU and disk consumer, but keeping the media server separate is probably a good idea.

Perhaps you are right.. There is one thing.

I'll will be switching home automation to different system with dedicated processor so that would leave media server (Kodi) and BI on one PC. Still a bad idea? Are thinking about issues when media server is in use and using GPU together with BI andDeepStack? I can see issue there.
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The general recommendation is to run BI on a dedicated PC. That said, with sub streams and modern processors, the CPU utilization is quite low. Mine sits under 10% most of the time, i7-12700K supporting 21 physical and 17 clone cameras. Running with any program that also uses the GPU may effect DeepStack performance. The only way to find out is to give it a shot. YMMV