Deepstack confirming alerts despite zone exclusions

This is the part that I am also struggling with. I have drawn out a zone (Zone A) that I has some objects I want Deepstack to ignore in the Motion Sensor settings page, but as far as I can tell, Deepstack doesn't ignore those areas. The images in my BI "Alerts" folder do not have this blacked out / masked area like yours does.…..


A) @Swampledge I am wondering where I'd confirm whether or not DS is really seeing the blacked out image like the one you posted & I quoted here. As far as I cant tell my DS is not seeing what yours is seeing, but I'm also new to BI and am willing to believe I am somehow mistaken?

B) Am I wrong to not use the object detection menu/settings? I don't really know about this one.

C) While I was taking these screenshots, I saw the below setting which seemed to be obviously the setting I was looking for. "Blackout masked areas". However, I came back here and saw that none of the other folks here seem to be using it, which confused me even more! haha


My apologies, @doughboy. I haven’t checked in here in a couple of weeks, and just saw your post now. Here’s two things I hope will help you:

To view the still that DeepStack is analyzing, do a Ctrl- double click on the alert image on the BI console.

On the motion detection dialog, I have “do not blackout “ selected.
Nice, thanks for the tip about Ctrl+Double click. Here's an example one of those that alerted after I set up my exclusion zone:


(Again, the reindeer things ID'd as a dog are understandable and I wasn't trying to avoid them, they only alert when the lighting changes a lot here haha)

Looks like the "do not blackout" setting doesn't affect this, as you suggested - I don't have it turned on (it is set to "do not" just like you suggested). I'm not alerting on the word "bench" so I guess this is a better result than the lightbulbs IDing as a person!

For other readers, I did experiment with the "blackout" setting last week, and it seems like that just hides the area from view in the substream when you view it in BI. It doesn't hide it from the main stream if you open that (oddly), and it doesn't impact whether or not the DS/AI sees the area (as you can see above, it is blacked out even with that setting set to "do not blackout").